26. Adrian Pucey

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TW: sexual assault

May, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

''Fuck...'' I hear Blaise whisper behind me, ''I hate Herbology.'' Some laughter and chuckling follows and I try to ignore the noise trying to pay attention to Professor Sprout. 

''Yes. Professor Sprout can stick that Screechsnap right up her-''

I turn around breaking Draco's sentence.  

''Please shut up! I'm trying to listen here'' I scoff at Blaise and Draco standing behind me. 

They both raise their eyebrows. 

''It will be very important to know how to take care of them during your OWLS, so please listen carefully...'' Professor Sprout says, continuing her lesson about Screechsnaps. 

''Now please come forward to take a look...'' she says as everyone gets closer to each other to form a circle. 

I can feel Draco right behind me, pressing his front against my back. 

As I try to pay attention to what Professor Sprout has to say I can feel his hand on my thigh, sliding underneath my skirt. 

I gasp as I look over my shoulder left shoulder, meeting Draco's face right there next to mine. 

''Why are your thighs wet Bella'' he very softly whispers in my ear, so nobody hears. 

''Maybe because your fucking dick is pressing against me... Now stop this I need to pay attention...'' I whisper shortly as I grab his wrist and try to pull his hand away. 

''What... Like this?'' he whispers, softly grinding his hard dick against my bum, grabbing my waist. 

Goosebumps cover my body and a shiver goes down my spine. Fuck I hate him. 

''Excuse me Professor... Can I stand right over there? I can barely see it from here...'' I say raising my hand. 

''Of course Miss Diggory. Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasly, please make some space for her will you?'' she says as Ron and Harry scoot aside. 

I quickly walk towards them and find Draco staring at me, rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek. His eyes are filled with lust. 

''Fuck you...'' I whisper teasingly through my lips as I bite them, followed by a smirk. 

He shakes his head with a dirty smile. Why is this guy always horny?

''Now please pick your partners...'' Professor Prout says after her explanation of the assignment as she starts to give everyone a sheet of parchment with instructions. 

''You want to be my partner Bella?'' Harry says tapping my shoulder. 

Weird, but okay.

''Ehm... Sure?'' I say awkwardly as we pick a place to do the assignment. 

I've always found Harry intimidating to be honest with myself. I don't really know how he feels about me and I don't know how I feel about him. I never spoke to him until I was dating Oliver. I always only heard Draco tell shit about him in the common room. 

''I picked you because I want to force Ron to work with Hermione...'' he says with a smile of his face.

''Thanks! So you're using me...'' I laugh, reading over the assignment. 

''Oh no! If I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't like you...'' he says awkwardly, but jokingly. 

''Well that's nice to know'' I say as I punch his shoulder softly as we laugh together. 

I look to the other side of the greenhouse, locking eyes with Draco, whose partnered up with Blaise. He looks pissed. 

''Can you hand me those gloves...?'' Harry says breaking my eye contact with Draco. 

''Oh sorry...'' I giggle as I hand him some gloves and put some on for myself as well. 

''You stopped having...'' he says awkwardly. 

''Having sex with Malfoy?'' I laugh at his awkwardness.

He nods as he starts with the first tasks on her assignment. 

''Yes... Why?'' I ask him confused at his sudden interest. 

''His family is involved with Voldemort... I don't want you to get danger because of him...'' he says now looking up at me. 

I sigh. This lying, this hiding of the truth is getting hard on me. 

''Let's just leave it. He was a mistake, I know that now...'' I say locking eyes with Draco again. I know he knows we're talking about him. 

''Just wanted to make sure...'' Harry says with a smile, softly bumping into my shoulder. 

''That's nice of you... Last time I checked you wanted me to kiss him after that beer pong game...'' I laugh. 

''I was drunk... That was my alter ego...'' he scoffs, the corners of hit mouth turning up. 

''Always a good excuse if you ask me...'' I huff as we continue with the assignment. 

*little bit later*

I leave the greenhouse last because I helped Professor Sprout with cleaning up the space for tomorrows lessons. 

I hear a soft whistle as I walk out, causing me to look to my left. I see Draco leaning against the greenhouse, hand in his pockets. I look around, to make sure everyone disappeared already. 

I slowly walk up to him and follow him behind the greenhouse. He slides his hands through his hair. 

''What...'' I scoff, noticing his frustration. 

''What did you talk about? You and Potter?!'' he says, trying to control himself. 

''Nothing spec-'' 

''Tell me Bella. What did you talk about?'' he huffs, biting on his cheek. I can see he wants to grab my throat, but he's still in control of his anger. 

''He just asked me if we stopped having sex. He was worried about me or something. Worried you would get me into trouble because of your fathers involvement with Voldemort...'' 

''Don't say his name!'' he says, raising his voice. 

''What the fuck is your problem?! I at least need to act like I'm getting closer to him, otherwise they'll know my true intentions soon enough...'' I say, confused about his sudden mood swing. 

I never planned on spying on Harry. I actually try to get to know as little as I can, so Voldemort can't read my thoughts knowing I'm lying later. But I have to get closer to him. I have to show somehow that I'm trying to gain his trust. 

He huffs. 

''I hate seeing you with him... I hate how he can do all the things with you whilst I can't...'' he says as he strokes my cheek.

''Well you have to get used to it for now Draco...'' I whisper with a subtle smile. 

His eyes soften as his first name leaves my lips. Last year he would have killed me if I would dare to say it. 

''You love it when I say your name don't you...'' I smile. 

He slides his cold hand to the back of my neck as he pulls me in for a kiss. He then slowly makes his way down onto my neck, leaving warm wet kisses behind. He starts massaging my breasts with his other hand. 

''You can't fuck me behind a fucking greenhouse Malfoy...'' I say in between my moans. 

''Oh yes I can Huxley, watch me...'' he says through his kisses. 

He roughly turns me around and pushes my face against the cold glass of the greenhouse. He grabs my waist to arch my back, pressing his hard dick against my soaking underwear. 

''You horny bastard...'' I smile 

''It's not my fault you look so fucking hot in that school uniform'' he says as he rips my underwear down to my ankles and grabs a bunch of my hair. I hear him unbuckle his belt. 

''Malfoy I have been loo-'' 

My eyes widen as Blaise appears behind the greenhouse as well, freezing as he sees us. 

''Well fuck... Am I interrupting something mate?!'' he laughs. 

''Why is this fucking school filled with cock blocks?!'' Draco moans as he roughly releases me. 

Blaise has a dirty smirk on his face, staring at us with his hands in is pockets. 

''Amused Blaise?'' Draco scoffs as he walks towards him. 

I quickly raise my panties back up and awkwardly fix my hair staring to the ground. God this is embarrassing.

''I bloody knew you were still fucking her. She kept walking funny...'' Blaise laughs. 

I blush at his words. Is it that obvious?

''Well, congratu fucking lations Blaise...'' Draco scoffs clapping his hands. 

''I won't tell anyone mate... I do understand'' Blaise says as he looks me up and down. Pervert. 

I scrunch my face at him, throwing him the middle finger. 

Draco just scoffs. 

''Bella come over here...'' Draco says.

I walk towards him and he bends over towards my ear. 

''I've been summoned tonight after Quidditch... Just so you know... I will be back late.'' he whispers and stands back straight as he looks down at me. 

''See you around Diggory...'' he says, with a smile. Then he walks away together with Blaise.

He will probably receive his proper beating tonight... And guess who has to deal with the after effect later.  

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