01 | Here We Go Again

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He played the piano. She played the violin.
He hated violin, but secretly loved it.
She loved piano, but hated it as soon as she met him.
But what they didn't know, was that she was his piano and he was her violin.
They played each other. With both hatred and love.


September, 1995

'Here we go again' were Bella's first thoughts when she stood on platform 9 3/4, on her way to start her fifth year at Hogwarts. She felt rather nervous, she always did. Her palms were sweaty and she tried her upmost best to control her breathing as she was standing there, all by herself. 

As she looked around, she saw all the excited students saying their goodbyes to their families. Some faces were familiar, but most of the faces were new to her. 

She kind of wished she had someone to say goodbye to as well. Her parents were both muggles and they had zero interest in the Wizarding World. Her goodbye existed of a car ride to King's Cross station, joined by her parents and her brother Cedric. They'd get a rushed hug, walked to the platform and Cedric would leave her behind as soon as they arrived there. 

Bella had always wondered how her parents got two magically gifted kids, being muggles themselves. It was rather rare for muggles to have a magical kid, so two of them seemed to be extra odd. Even though it was odd, it wasn't a topic that was discussed at home. It just was how it was. 

Cedric, who was starting his sixth year, per usual had already disappeared with his Hufflepuff friends. Ever since Bella had been placed into Slytherin in her first year, their relationship hadn't really been the same as it was when they both didn't attend Hogwarts yet. 

Before they both started their years at Hogwarts they used to be fairly close. They were the kind of siblings that could laugh and have fun together. They rarely had fights. But the fact Bella was sorted into Slytherin House, whilst Cedric had been completely sure she'd be a Ravenclaw, had been a kick in his stomach.

He was ashamed of her and started to act like he didn't know her most of the times. At the start this was hard for Bella, because she never really had been a social butterfly. She needed him at the start of her first year, but to him she was completely non-existent. 

Bella then suddenly felt someone give her a hard push, pulling her out of her thoughts immediately. It caused the book she was planning to read to fall on the ground as she let out a soft gasp. 

''Look who we have here.'' said a high-pitched girls voice whilst Bella turned herself around, finding the voice belonged to Pansy Parkinson. She was standing right behind her with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.

What a lovely surprise. 

''Hi, Parkinson. How have you been?'' Bella said looking Pansy up and down annoyedly. ''Did you gain weight over the summer?'' Bella gave Pansy a scowl and Pansy opened up her mouth to say something, but Bella interrupted her before she was able to speak. ''Don't bother. I do not care.'' Bella then turned herself away from them to reach for her book, which was still laying on the ground. 

''You always have such a big mouth when Malfoy is not around, don't you Bella?'' Pansy said in a threatening tone. Bella glanced over her shoulder, without turning around completely. ''Do not worry. We have loads of things planned for you this year. Better be careful, mudblood.''

Bella saw a smirk appear on the faces of Gregory and Vincent as they were just standing there next to Pansy like the stupid idiots they were. Bella thought it was best to ignore them at this point, she couldn't afford to get in trouble this early. She proceeded to pick up her book, straightened herself and started to make her way towards the train. 

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