09. Yule Ball

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TW: sexual scenes

December, 1995

I decide to start walking towards the Great Hall after waiting for 15 minutes. Oliver must've already went there. It's probably just a miscommunication. I swear I remember he told me to meet here, but maybe he forgot it himself.

I walk through the dungeons and through the halls and on my way I walk past a few young drunk students that probably have been testing out their limits.

As I reach the Great Hall I hear voices and music. There's a few students gathered just outside the Hall and they are excitedly chatting with each other. I walk through the big entrance and find myself on top of the stairs. Fucking great Oliver, now I have to walk down them on my own.

I look around the Hall from up the stairs, trying to catch a glimpse of his light brown hairs. The decoration is immaculate. There's big Christmas trees everywhere and there's many tints of white, making it look like the whole Hall is covered in snow.

There's dozens of smells entering my nose food, pumpkin juice, butter beer, everyones different colognes.

I start to descend the stairs and can't help but notice there's a few eyes on me, under who Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise with their dates. Draco is probably with one of his back-up sluts, Blaise is by my surprise with Pansy, and Crabbe and Goyle are with two Slytherin girls in a lower year. I have to admit they all look gorgeous. Especially the blonde that I hate.

His grey eyes follow me all the way down. I can see it in the corner of my eye. ''No date mudblood?'' Pansy laughs at me, a display of disgust on her face.

''Actually Pansy, I'm here with Oliver Wood.'' I say irritated, looking around again to see if I can find him.

''Well where is he then?'' she laughs as she crosses her arms in front of her. The boys smirk at me, except for Draco. His eyes are locked on my thighs and shift over my dress until I catch him staring.

''What are you looking at?'' I scoff at him as he raises his eyebrows. ''You look like a sophisticated whore.'' he scoffs back as his eyes shift towards my cleavage.

''Thanks.'' I huff as I turn around and walk away to continue my search for Oliver. I look over at the dance floor and all the tables. Where is that bloody Gryffindor?! I sigh and sit down at one of the tables crossing my arms and staring in front of me.

The time goes by and I have been staring at happy couples dancing for about a fucking hour now. ''Hi Bella, why are you sitting all on your own?'' a soft voice says.

I look up and find Luna Lovegood staring at me with a smile. She almost looks like a fairy the way she's dressed, but it's very cute to be honest. Her long, curly blonde hair is in a messy updo.

Luna has always been friendly towards me and in another life I probably would have been friends with her. I know she's an outsider too.

''My date ditched me.'' I scoff as I wipe away a tear that found its way out of my eye. Luna bends over and leans her hands on her knees, invading my personal space.

''Well why don't you join us?'' she says as she points behind her, ''I'm here with my date Neville and with Harry, Hermione and Ron and their dates.'' she says with the sweetest smile on her face. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'm here already anyway. I can choose to have fun or to go back to my room to sob about it.

I nod at her, stand up from my chair and walk with Luna towards the dance floor. As we almost near the rest of the group, I find Draco's eyes within the crowd starting at me. Again.

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