19. The truth

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TW: sexual scenes

March, 1996

After an awkward silence between me and the rest of the group I decide to get up from the sofa to check up on Draco and Sam. They might be killing each other at this very moment.

I walk up to the boys corridor and stop in front of Draco's door, hearing mumbling through it right away.

It's probably best to not go in nor to eavesdrop, but my curiosity almost always gets the best of me. So although I know I shouldn't, I decide to put my ear against the door, trying to follow their conversation.

''You know bloody well I was fucking her and you just kiss her right in front of me!'' I hear Draco's voice yell angrily.

''Draco that was just to get a reaction out of you.'' Sams voice says sternly, but calmly. I hear some footsteps and some other sounds I cannot place.

''Yes sure.'' Draco scoffs. ''You want me to tell her it was you who made that photo for us at the beginning of the year?''

There's a short silence before they start talking again and I slowly think back to the beginning of the year. I remember thinking Sam looked familiar at the Ravenclaw party.

It was him who lured me away during that first part of the year. It was him who took the picture and gave it to Draco and Blaise. It was him who left me half naked in a fucking classroom, like a used doll.

He left me in such a fragile and dangerous position. What if someone had found me? What if someone would've taken advantage of the state of mind I was in?

''Draco, I honestly don't fucking care. You need to shut your mouth and listen to me right now.'' Sam continues after the short silence.

I hear a huff, which I believe come from Draco. I hear some heavy breaths, probably out of anger and probably Draco's as well.

I'm honestly surprised how Draco allows Sam to speak to him like that. I have never seen or talk to Draco like this and if they dared to, Draco would make sure they regretted it.

''You're a fucking coward, Draco.'' Sam says, his voice still calm. Draco just scoffs, but doesn't respond, like he's aware of it. ''Why can't you just admit you have feelings for her already?''

There's just silence. Draco isn't denying or admitting to anything, which honestly doesn't make me any wiser.

''You treat her like fucking shit.''

''I treat every girl like shit Sam. The mudblood doesn't deserve special treatment.'' Draco says now in a calmer tone of voice and it seems like he regained himself a little bit. ''If anything she deserves worse treatment.''

''Bella is not like every girl and you fucking know it Draco.''

''Yes, because her blood is dirty.'' Draco scoffs and I hear a soft chuckle.

It feels as though a knife is stabbed in my chest. I knew he didn't actually cared about me, but it hurts to hear him say it like this behind my back.

''Why are you so fucking stubborn mate?'' Sam says annoyedly. I can hear the frustration in his voice, like he's ready to throw a punch any second.

There's a short moment of silence again, meaning Draco is either lost for words, or arrogantly staring at Sam with that stupid smirk.

''If she meant nothing to you, you would've thrown her away after the first time like you always do.'' I hear sam sigh before he continues, ''Yet you keep shagging her acting like you just want to get laid. Who the fuck are you kidding? I have seen the way you have been looking and staring at her.''

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