A/N 21th of April

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Dear reader,

After I'm finished with this story, I'm hesitating about rewriting it in a spectator view with past tense (right now it's written in first person view and present tense). I want at least Draco's pov's to be written like this, but am still debating if I should rewrite Bella's like this as well.

I want to use next chapter to try it out, but I'm not sure if all of you would like that. It could be a little confusing, since we've kept the same style for such a long time. So please let me know through a comment on this paragraph if you would be interested in the next chapter being in a different writing style.

Also I wanted to do some sort of poll. Which one do you like better and why (comment on your preference below)?

1. First person, present tense (current writing style aka: "I am walking")

2. Spectator view, past tense ("She/He was walking")

I'd love to know your opinion,  so don't bother to tell me!

— Bella

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