24. What do you want from me?

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April, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

I wake up to my alarm as I move my arm to the other side of my mattress. Empty. He probably left very early to make sure there would be no one who could see him sneak out. 

Slowly but surely I start to feel all the sore spots on my body. He fucking ruined me last night. Every muscle is aching and let's not talk about my vagina right now... Even my throat feels sore. 
I sigh. 

I have to talk to him. I know he's going to stall it as long as he can, but we have to get straight how we're going forward right now. There is so fucking much to discuss, so much to think about. I have so many lies to keep to myself. 

I carefully get out of bed as I start to put on my uniform and robe. I gather my books, quill, parchment and wand together and fix myself quickly into the mirror with some light make-up and a ponytail. I don't even dare to take a look at my naked body right now in the state it is in. 

As I enter the Great Hall for breakfast I find Draco already there, together with his friends. All of their eyes follow me, his grey pair of gorgeous eyes especially. 

I just pick a random seat, ignoring them, because that's how the 'normal' me would have acted. The old me. It still feels weird. I can still feel Draco staring at me in the corner of my eye. I turn my head towards him, locking eyes. 

''What...'' I say only with my lips, for him to lip read... He just lets out a soft giggle as I can see his shoulders move up and down quickly.

I bite my lip to tease him. His eyes widen and he raises his eyebrows. Got you there, you fucking bastard. 

I then feel a soft tap on my shoulder, followed by a recognizable voice monotone voice: ''Miss Diggory... Your parents are here to see you...'' Snape says. I look back to Draco, who now looks like he's seen a ghost. What's up with him? It's only Snape...

I follow Snape out of the Great Hall, towards the classroom my parents are in waiting for me, his long robe dragging over the cold tiles. I have to watch out I don't step on it.

He then suddenly stops in front of the door and turns around, towering over me, looking at me with a serious face. 

''So I've been informed the Huxley daughter has finally been found...'' he says slowly. 

My eyes widen. What? How does he know? What? 

''I know it's you Bella... I've known all along...'' Snape says. 

I swallow, my eyes still wide open, not knowing what to say. Is he a Death Eater?! 

''Just make the right decisions Bella...'' he continues.

''I guess that won't be a problem knowing Draco and I will be keeping a very... close... eye on you...'' he now almost whispers as he opens the door to the classroom. 

''Mr. and Mrs. Diggory...'' he says as he walks in. I follow right behind him. 

They both run right up to me, hugging me into a tight embrace. 

''Oh dear we were so worried...'' my mother says as tears roll down her eyes. 

I still call them my parents and they will always be my real parents. The only reason why I call Amaris and Theodore my parents it's because I have to. I have to because I need to protect my parents for as long as I can. 

''What happened dear?!'' my father asks as he looks me up and down, seeing how I've changed. 

I look towards the ground. I want to tell them. They deserve the truth. This is fucking killing me. The lying, hiding the fucking truth. It's horrible. 


''I don't remember...'' I whisper, locking eyes with Snape. He gives me a quick nod. 

My parents desperately look at Snape, whose standing in an awkward distance, hoping he has an answer. 

''We unfortunately didn't find out what happened yet...'' he says without any emotion. 

''Are you alright?!'' my mother asks me, grabbing my cheeks in her soft warm hands. I want to cry. I'm not alright at all. 

''I am...'' I lie.

Snape is watching my every move, making sure I don't spill any small detail about what happened. Is he the one who told the Huxleys about me?

It's harder to lie to my parents than to two of the most powerful Death Eaters of this planet. There's a lump in my throat I try to swallow away. 

''If you will excuse us Mr. and Mrs. Diggory, Bella needs to attend her first class soon...'' Snape says. 

I give him a death stare. He's trying to cut their visit short. I can't fucking believe it. 

''Cedric will be looking out for you dear. Just go to him if you don't feel save!'' my mother says. 

''Thanks mom... I love you both...'' I whisper as they hug me in one last tight embrace.

And then they leave the room, both giving me one last look over their shoulder. I wish I could hug them all day. I didn't realize how much I've missed them and how long it's been since I've seem them. 

''Are they safe...?'' I ask him, insecurity taking over my voice. I'm holding back my tears. 

''For now... As long as you behave nicely for your parents. Your real parents'' he says, obviously talking about Amaris and Theodore. I can hear a soft tone of pity in his voice. 

''Are you a Death Eater?!'' I ask him, raising my voice. 

''I would like to advise you to start walking to your class Miss Diggory...'' he says strictly, ignoring my question. 

I guess you can't trust anyone nowadays...

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