36. D.M.

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August, 1996

~\~ Draco Malfoy ~\~

''FUCK!!!!!'' I scream as slam my bedroom door shut behind me. I aggressively take off my blazer and tie and throw them on the ground, whilst opening up the first buttons of my blouse.

Alcohol. I fucking need more alcohol.

I storm towards my cabinet and aggressively pull open one of the drawers, throwing out some shirts to find a hidden bottle of Fire Whiskey and a pack of cigarettes.

I snatch them out the drawer as my shaking hands try to open the bottle right away. It takes way too long to open it, but when I finally do I place the bottle to my lips as the liquid flows into my mouth setting my throat on fire. I cough right away, due to the amount overflowing in my mouth.

I clench my jaws as I place myself on the sofa in front of my fire place, stroking my hand through my hair. I stare into the fire and keep placing the bottle to my lips, waiting for the alcohol to take over my body.

What the fuck did I just do?! It just all happened so fucking quickly. It was all fun and games. It was teasing. I was just looking for a reaction out of her, but I wasn't looking for that reaction. They kissed. He fucking touched her precious lips with his filthy mouth. And she fucking let him.

I take another big sip as I shake the thought of him touching her away. Fuck it makes me fill sick thinking about... Thinking about his hands on her body. She fucking belongs to me. She is mine. And I am the only one that decides who fucking touches her.

My thoughts get broken by a soft knock on the door.



''Malfoy can I come in?''

I keep gazing into the fire, ignoring the sound as I reach for the pack of cigarettes and place one in between my lips, lighting it. I tilt my head back and sink into the sofa as I take a big hit and blow out the smoke towards the ceiling followed by a big chug from my bottle.

The door cracks as soft footsteps enter my room. I don't look behind me, I just focus my gaze into the fire again, trying to get rid of the thoughts and feelings racing through my body. I need to get rid of them.

''Draco...?'' Astoria's voice softly penetrates my mind, afraid to come closer.

''Don't call me that Astoria...'' I huff as I take another sip.

''S-... Sorry...'' she walks closer.

''You're bleeding...'' she gasps as she reaches for my bruised fist. I yank it away out of her reach.

''Leave it.'' I say shortly, not paying attention to her. She quickly sits down on the sofa next to me.

''What happened?'' I can feel her eyes scanning me, trying to read me.

"Doesn't matter.''

Her hand reaches for the back of my neck and her nails softly start stroking trough my hair. It sends a shiver down my spine. ''You're going through something... Something happened to you this past year, I can sense it.''

''What the fuck do you know about it?!'' I jerk my head towards her as I inhale some smoke, ''You stopped replying to my letters years ago! And you fucking think you know me now?! You fucking 'sense' something?! Oh please.'' I snap at her as I take another big sip. She jumps from my reaction and her eyes widen as she slowly swallows.

''I told you I'm sorry...'' she huffs as she removes her hand, turning her gaze to the fire as well.

We share a moment of silence, both looking at the hypnotizing flames dancing in the fire place. I notice she opens her mouth to say something in the corner of my eye, but then she closes it again. She turns her head towards me and I can feel her eyes scanning me again.

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