27. Quidditch

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TW: sexual scenes

May, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

''Oh fuck...'' I groan as I open my eyes.

Headache, nausea, thirst. Oh fuck I feel sick right now. 

As I sit up against my headboard I see Draco sitting on my chair, looking at me. He's already dressed in his Quidditch uniform and I notice his bruised face.

''Erm... morning'' I whisper, my morning voice still raspy.

He says nothing. He just keeps looking at me, crossing his arms and crossing one leg over the other.

''What do you remember from last night?'' he asks me strictly.

I try to think about last night and can't help but notice there's one big black hole I can't remember anymore.

''Uhm... Just Adrian shoving his finger into my mouth with some... What was it?''

''Molly.'' Draco says shortly.

''Yes... That. And the rest is blank...'' I smile, feeling my cheeks glow red out of shame.

''What the fuck did you think you were doing Bella?!'' he scoffs.

I jump at his sudden mood change.


''...I was just anxious about you being there... I couldn't sleep and I just wanted to take a walk... And then he offered all those things... And I just wanted to distract myself...'' I say feeling guilty.

''Stupid fucking choice...'' he scoffs again.

He looks me up and down with a disgusted face.

''If I didn't come in as early as I did, he would have taken you to his room to fuck you right then and there... He would have...''

''Raped you...'' he scoffs.

''What...?'' I whisper, shocked by his sentence.

''You heard me...'' he scoffs.

I shake my head.

''I can't have this convo right now Malfoy...'' I say, whilst it feels my brain wants to explode out of my skull.

''Listen to me Bella...''

''...I was getting the shit beaten out of me yesterday for you. Meanwhile you're getting high with some boys who want to fuck you whilst your unconscious... I can't fucking believe you...'' he scoffs.

''I- I'm sorry... I just wanted... I don't know what I was doing...'' I stutter looking at my blanket.

God I feel horrible.

''You can't get away with 'i don't know what I was doing' anymore now Bella, shit is getting fucking serious...'' he raises his voice.

''I'm sorry...'' I say as tears appear in my eyes and I am fiddling with my fingers.

I crawl out of my bed and place myself in between his legs, grabbing his cheeks with my hands to make him look up at me.

''Do I need to fix your face...?'' I whisper with a soft smile.

''Blaise already did it...'' he whispers back.

''I'm sorry Malfoy I won't do it again I promise...'' I tell him again.

He huffs.

''Well you will probably, but only when I'm there...'' he laughs.

''Did we-?'' I ask.

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