08. Truth or dare

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December, 1995

It's finally Friday and I'm in my final class before Christmas break starts. Tonight is the Yule ball. I would say that ancient runes isn't specifically the best class to have at the end of the day and although I usually find it very interesting I can't seem to focus at all. My eyes keep going to the clock. Fifteen minutes left and then it's 5 p.m. 

I have a strict schedule. I need to get straight to my room to drop off all of my things and then I need to get dinner. After that I have to shower, shave, do my hair, do my make-up, do my nails and put on my dress. I really want to blow Oliver away tonight. I have to be ready around 8:30 p.m. I will make it work. 

The sound of the bell breaks my thoughts. I quickly gather my stuff and drop them off in my room. I don't have time to change yet, so I quickly make my way to the Great Hall to have dinner, still in my school uniform. 

I look around the Hall for Oliver like I usually do, but can't seem to find him at the Gryffindor. As my eyes roam over the Slytherin table for a free spot I notice Draco and and quite a few other Slytherins are not there. Eva is sitting together with Jonas, which makes me smile. 

I wave at her but all I get in return is two shocked eyes looking back towards Jonas as she ignores my wave. What did Draco tell her about me to make her act like that? 

I sit down by myself and after enjoying some chicken, potatoes and veggies in peace I start my way back to the common room right away, feeling quite anxious as the Yule Ball gets closer and closer. 

As I walk through the wall I hear the sounds of voices and music. The common room is filled with older students, including Draco and his friends. They're all standing in a circle looking at something as a bottles of alcohol get passed on around the circle filling everyones cups. 

''PANSY TRUTH OR DARE!'' I hear Marcus Flint scream at Pansy. Truth or dare. The perfect game for horny teenagers. 

As soon I enter the room people start to notice me and stop with what they are doing to the point of silence. The only sound that's left is the music. 

''How fun. The mudblood has come to join us.'' Draco smirks at me as soon as he sees me. As I open my mouth to tell him I don't have time and interest he interrupts me. ''Make some space for the little bitch.'' I get pushed onto an armchair right in front of Draco. 

''We're playing a nice combination of Truth or Dare and spin the bottle. Someone spins the bottle and if the bottle points at you you may ask anyone Truth or Dare.'' he leans his elbows on his knees, looking at me. 

''If they don't want to answer the question or don't want to do the dare, they have to take a shot or they have to kiss the person that spun the bottle.'' he reaches for a bottle of liquor and shot glass. ''And no lies Bella. We will know.''

He pours the alcohol into a shot glass and leans towards me. I grab the shot glass with a shaking hand, still speechless about the situation I didn't expect to be in. I place the glass to my lips and feel the liquid stinging in my throat. I don't recognize the taste, but it's definitely strong. 

''The honor is yours, mudblood'' Draco smirks as he slides the bottle towards me. I carefully spin the bottle and it points to a guy named Emille from year six who luckily asked a girl named Eleanore how many sex partners she's had. 

The game moves on slowly, one person spinning the bottle after the other. Secrets are being spilled and dares are being done. My tactic has been saying Truth and then taking a shot to not have to answer anything. But then I realized I couldn't keep taking shots because I still had to make it to the Yule ball and the questions were getting rather personal.

My slowly left slowly as soon as the alcohol made place for my drunk alter ego that makes stupid decisions and I start to feel more bold. 

Then the bottle finally points at me, leaving me with a lot of good options. I decide this was a good opportunity to get back at Draco and Pansy in one go. 

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