04. Music class

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October, 1995

A few weeks have past since the bathroom encounter with Draco.

Luckily i've managed to stay out of trouble for most of the time. Draco and Blaise decided to release the photo in the first week and spread the rumor about me trying to seduce Draco all over the school as revenge.

At that point I didn't care anymore. I got some filthy comments from boys now and then, but I wasn't too bothered. After little while everyone forgot about it and Draco and his friends continued their usual bullying schedule: Sabotaging my potions, pushing me down the stairs, using annoying spells on me, insulting me.

Although they have been more mild with me, I can't help but to think that they have been waiting for a moment to do something worse again. I have learned it's never time to feel save, I always need to stay alert for anything.

But Draco Malfoy does something to me which I find very disturbing. I couldn't help thinking about him and staring at him, the encounter in de bathroom playing over and over again. The way he pinned me against the wall. The way our skin connected as he placed his hand on my throat.

But I catched him staring at me as well. Either he caught me or I caught him. And I still can't pinpoint what kind of stare it is. Is it safely hidden interest? Is it hatred?

I snap out if my thoughts as Professor Flitwick walks into the classroom, a pleased smile on his face. Today is my first music class. Music class usually starts a few weeks after school starts, because people need to audition.

It's only for people that already play an instrument. Usually it's always the same people, with some new students replacing the old ones.

And one of those new students happens to be Draco Malfoy. I spotted his blonde hair as soon as I stepped into the classroom and felt anxious right away as he sent me a pleased smirk when our eyes locked.

I don't look at him right now. He's sitting far behind me, all the wat to the left and I just try to keep myself focused at Professor Flitwick.

Draco cannot ruin this class for me. I love this class, and it comforts me. It's my safe space. Well, it was my safe space.

''Welcome my lovely music students. As you probably have noticed we only have one new student in our class this year: Draco Malfoy." Flitwick says as he strokes his little fingers over his mustache. "He will be playing the piano in our choir."

He walks around the classroom, hands clasped behind his back. "Next to the group performance with the choir, we will also do some solo's and duets at the end of the year per tradition." he continues.

All the students start to whisper with each other, excitement rising in the classroom.

"Now Mr. Malfoy, can you please introduce yourself to the rest of the class?'' Professor Flitwick says, as friendly smile on his face.

Draco snickers, rises from his seat and walks to the front of the classroom. ''Well, I don't think I need to introduce myself." he says as he glares around the classroom, "The only reason I'm in this class is because I need some extra points Professor.'' His eyes stop to look at me as soon as soon as I appear in his sight.

There's a short moment of silence and Flitwick clears his throat. "Eh... very well then. Thank you Mr. Malfoy, for joining us this year." Flitwick smiles awkwardly. "Would you mind playing for the class?"

The silence in this classroom is killing me and I keep wondering why Draco is in this class for extra points and why he plays a muggle instrument. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

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