05. Rehearsal

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October, 1995

A few days later, after a long day of classes, I am already warming up with my violin in one of the private studio's for the music students when I feel a cold hand softly grabbing the back of my neck, making me gasp and jump off my chair. I quickly turn around and find Draco looking down on me with a pleased smile on his face.

"Did I scare you mudblood?'' Draco tilts his head and laughs.

"Yes you did!" I scoff, "How long have you been standing there?!" My heart is still beating out of my chest and my hands are shaking.

"Not too long." he says as he walks towards the piano and sits down behind it, "Just long enough." He cracks his knuckles and stretches his fingers, his shoulders rolling back. "So where do we begin boss?'' he says in a mocking tone, raising his eybrows.

"Don't call me that..." I say irritated as I put my violin away and sit down to go over the music piece with him. I just know he enjoys to annoy me and make me mad.

"Alright" I huff as I grab the the parchment with the notes, "Let's go over this." Draco lazily grabs his piece of parchment which I laid out for him on the piano, crosses one leg over another and sighs.

As I am explaining my plan for the coming hour he looks like he isn't paying attention at all. His eyes keep going down at my breasts. I noticed it as I was leaning towards him to explain something and realized my cleavage was showing.

"You're such a pervert." I scoff as I tug at the neckline of my shirt.

"I can't help it if you decide to wear that slutty top Bella, you're just asking to get fucked right now..." He looks me up and down and rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"You're unbelievable..." I scoff and roll my eyes. I decide to not make a fuss about it and continue my explanation, this time making sure I sit up nice and straight and making sure my neckline is high enough every other minute.

"Everything clear?" I say as I'm done explaining my plan. "All clear." he responds lowly.

I walk back to my violin and bend over to grab it, not realizing you could see right underneath my skirt.

"Fuck Bella..." Draco huffs, "I have to say you have a good taste in undergarments." he laughs.

I quickly stand up straight again, awkwardly straightening my skirt en pulling it down a little. As I turn around I see Draco smirking at me, is eyes feeding on the bare skin of my legs.

"Thank you. I know." I say as I feel my face flush red due to my embarrassment. "Let's start please." I place the violin on my shoulder, nodding my head three times as the studio slowly fills up with the beautiful tones of piano and violin.

I keep checking the clock, wanting the time to go faster. But is only goes slower. And I keep messing up because I'm anxious, only proving Draco's point of me not being at the same level as him.

And he is distracting me again, his beautiful grey eyes roaming over the keys and notes. His calmness. Those hands. The subtle way he pinches his bottom lip between his teeth during a difficult part. I just cannot believe this is the same boy as the one that torments my life.

"Bella..." he huffs as his eyes jump towards me when I mess up again, "Maybe you should try to focus on your violin instead of me."

"What?!" I scoff, feeling myself turn red again. "I wasn't focusing on you at all!"

Draco then suddenly stands up and traces his hand through his hair. "What are you doing?" I turn towards the clock. "We still 15 minutes left."

"I don't feel like playing anymore." he walks up towards me, "I feel like doing something else.''

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