53. Good boy

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TW: violence, blood

January, 1997

~\~ Draco Malfoy ~\~

New Year's Eve had been a night like any other for Draco. But it was not like he minded spending New Year's Eve working on that bloody cabinet. Draco always had hated New Year's Eve. It was mainly because of all those stupid people hoping the new year would be a better year for them.

For Draco the years never got better. It always got worse with every year. For Draco New Year's Eve always just had been another excuse to get himself fucked up on alcohol or drugs.

Hogwarts always hosted a fire work show for the students that stayed over the Christmas Holidays. But the only people Draco didn't despise weren't even here and there wasn't anything to celebrate for him.

Happy New Year. Draco thought it was fucking bullshit. Barely anyone had the slightest idea of what was coming for them.

Draco just knew Dumbledore only allowed a few students and people to be aware of what was the situation, which were Potter and his constituency; better known as the Order of The Phoenix. The rest of the students and people were most probably clueless. They obviously knew Voldemort was all back up and running, but they didn't know how close everything actually was from going down.

He'd thought about Bella when he heard the fireworks go off outside. About how he wasn't able to enter this horrible new year with her. Because no matter how cliché it was, every bad thing was a little better with her around. Her presence brought a comfort to him. Knowing she was near him and safe.

But he heard her loud and clear during that meeting when she tried to do a pathetic attempt on breaking his heart. She wasn't his.

Me being yours is just a fucking illusion to make ourselves feel better during this shit show of a life we're living.

The thought of that being part of a bigger plan she was having with herself, had been running through Draco's head since he came back to Hogwarts after the meeting. But he couldn't simply figure out how that could be part of a plan.

She really gave up on them. She really did. I didn't matter if she just did it because she was scared. Bella made her choice and that didn't include Draco.

He noticed it as soon as she returned to Hogwarts. Draco thought she would be running back to him as soon as they would meet eyes. But she didn't. He saw her try her upmost best to completely ignore him and the fact that Draco spent so much time away working on the cabinet made that easier for her.

It was so odd yet — normal. But it didn't feel good. Them not speaking. Ignoring each other during the classes they still had. No funny cheesy looks during class. No quick touches when they would cross in the hallways. Not being able to pull her into a random room and fuck her into oblivion.

Draco couldn't believe this was their reality now after everything they already have been through together. And he knew he said he'd let her come to him. He never ran after people after all. He didn't work for people's attention.

But this was Bella. He'd die for her. He'd get tortured for her. He'd take all her pain for her and feel it himself instead. He'd run for her. And he'd work for her attention.

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