37. The Dark Dance

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TW: sexual scenes and knife play

August, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

I am broken. I am officially broken. They killed my mother. I killed my father. I removed myself out of Cedrics life, just when things started to get better between us.

I am tormented by memories, even the once I don't remember. I am burdened by guilt, even with the crimes I didn't commit. But it doesn't matter anymore. It's not about my memories. It's not about my guilt. It's about doing what's asked from you to survive.

I am ready for more. Because how is it that people go about defining good and evil? What if you're not given a choice?

No more disobeying. No more trouble making. No more doubting. There's literally nothing or no one left to loose.

''Huxley...'' I hear. Fingers snapping in front of my eyesight. I refocus my eyes as I blink and look up to Rhys.

''Day dreaming about me aren't you?'' he smirks as he crosses his arms. I just look at him blankly.

At this point I am just a lifeless soul within a vessel. A machine. Maybe a robot. There's no emotions or feelings. Just existence.

''Fuck Bella, don't be so fucking dramatic...'' he scoffs as he crouches in front of me, placing his hands on the armrests of my sofa.

''Dramatic...'' I scoff as I turn my head away. How dare he call me dramatic with everything they have put me through. Rhys huffs and gets up again placing himself on a chair in front of me.

''I have some things to tell you'', Rhys says as he crosses his legs and folds his hands together, ''I think you might like it...'' he smirks. I look back at him again. Hearing good news seems like ages ago, although I don't know what his definition of good news is.

''The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters had a meeting recently.'' he says looking up at the ceiling, revealing his bare neck, ''He informed your parents about your tasks.'' he smirks looking back at me. I swallow and lock eyes with him. ''Now I got your attention...'' he laughs, rubbing his hands over his thighs.

''Tell me.'' I say shortly, which makes Rhys raise is eyebrows. ''Tell me Rhys, please.'' I repeat myself.

''You will assist a Death Eater named Draco Malfoy in is tasks, might he be unable to fulfill them.'' he says as he stands up, starting to pace around the room with his hands in his pockets. ''He is a bit... soft.'' he turns towards me.

Draco Malfoy. I never heard of him. He must be Rhys' age, because if he attended Hogwarts I probably would have known him.

''What are his tasks if I may ask?'' I ask Rhys, turning towards him in my sofa. Rhys laughs shortly and traces his hands through his hair.

''Killing Dumbledore and repairing one of the vanishing cabinets to get all of you into Hogwarts when the time is right.'' he says, like it's the easiest thing to perform. ''But there's more...''

I raise my eyebrows at him and squeeze my hands into my sofa. So he is a student at Hogwarts. How the fuck do I not know him?! He must be in Slytherin. I almost know everyone.

''You're the chosen one to deliver Potter to the Dark Lord...'' he smirks as he slowly walks towards me. I shift back into a straight position on my sofa, looking away from him.

Deliver Potter to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord definitely trusts me then...

''Can you tell me about that Malfoy guy?'' I look at him, trying to change the subject, not wanting to think about the ways I can deliver Harry to the Dark Lord.

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