06. Hornbeam

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November, 1995

After two weeks in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey finally discharged me. The injuries Pansy gave me were so severe, Madam Pomfrey only could make the healing process a little faster.

I had a severe concussion, a few broken ribs, a broken elbow and internal bleeding. I couldn't move my jaw for a couple of days, so I could only have liquid food. No, it wasn't specifically fun.

Only Cedric paid me one generous visit to bring me some books, school work and some awkward smalltalk, but the rest of my company existed of house elves, Madam Pomfrey and a few other students that would be gone within a day again.

''Please be careful, darling!'' Madam Pomfrey smiles at me as I pack the last of my things to leave the hospital wing.

''I will...'' I smile as I turn towards her. ''Thank you for the good care.'' I grab my stuff and look at the high ceiling as I walk out. The ceiling I have been looking at for two weeks to push away the thoughts about my last encounter with Draco.

Luckily I already had my dinner at the hospital wing, so I decide to avoid dinner in the Great Hall this evening. I want to avoid anyone for as long as I can.

I slowly make my way to the library planning to catch up on all the school work I have missed. As I enter the almost empty library I take place at one of the big tables, pull out all of my books and dip my quill into the ink to start on a Potions assignment about commonly used ingredients in potions and their purposes.

It's nice to be able to do something again. To be able to distract myself from all the thoughts that have been roaming through my head.

After about an hour of working on Potions I grab my Divination book and start with reading about Oneiromancy, which they have been treating in class. Otherwise known as 'dream interpretation' and also very hard to practice if you never fucking remember your dreams, like me.

As I read over the text I feel someone appear in front of me, making me hold my breath for a short second as I slowly look up to find out who it is. I release my breath as I find out Oliver Wood is standing in front of me, a soft but concerned smile on his face.

"Hey stranger...'' he says as he places himself on a chair in front of me, folding his hands together and looking at all the books and parchment that is spread out in front of me.

"Hey...'' I answer lowly as I turn my eyes away from him, back to my Divination book. I feel Oliver scan me for a few seconds. "How are you feeling?'' he asks to break the silence.

I look back up to him and frown my eyebrows, laying down my quill on the table. ''I'm fine. Just catching up on schoolwork.''

''Glad to hear.'' he smiles. ''You didn't deserve this you know. I don't care what you said to Pansy to piss her off so badly.'' he swallows and moves towards the edge of his seat, ''You're a great and lovely person. I just thought you should know that.'' There's pity in his eyes and some type of guilt.

I don't trust him. I don't trust this sweet talk. He ghosted me when I needed him to get through that awful rumor to protect his own ass. And now he has the nerves to tell me that I'm a great and lovely person?!

''Oliver...'' I huff and lock eyes with him, ''You barely know me.'' I clench my jaws and scratch my jaw. ''Help me understand why you are risking your perfect Gryffindor reputation talking to me?''

''Bella, you have every right to be mad at me...'' he shakes his head and rubs his face, ''I just want to help you. I just want to try this again.''

''What exactly do you want to try again?'' I scoff at him, a little more aggressive than I intended. I can see him think about the right words to choose.

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