11. Two lies, one truth

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December, 1995

After the incident between Oliver and Draco I went straight back to my room and stayed there the rest of the day and today, only going out to use the loo. 

Draco's words have been repeating themselves in my mind and the events have been flashing by in images. I have been trying to push them away, but they keep finding their way back into my brain. 

I have been feeding myself on my little food stash I keep inside of my room, but just as I open the drawer I find it completely empty. There's only a chocolate bar left, which will probably won't suffice me until the next morning. 

I sigh and close the drawer, contemplating if I will attend dinner tonight. I stayed in my room to avoid both Draco and Oliver, but eventually I will have to face them both again. 

I now pull open one of my clothing drawers and change my shorts into some yoga pants. I pull a fresh black jumper with a turtle neck over my shirt, attempt to brush through my frizzy hair quickly and slide into my sneakers. 

I leave my hand still on the door handle for a few seconds, breathing in and out as I slowly push my door open and make my way towards the wall. As I enter the common room I find Draco sitting in front of the fire place on an arm chair, reading a book and listening to some mellow music I don't know. 

There's an atmosphere of peace around him and I glare at his shoulders, slowly going up and down with every relaxed breath he takes. He's almost like the Draco playing the piano. There's no attitude to hold, no reputation to protect and nothing to prove. Just him and his book. Peaceful and calm. Feeling safe. But still... He's a devil in disguise. 

I try to softly walk passed him towards the wall. "Not trying to avoid me anymore?" he says lowly, not looking up from his book nor turning around towards me. 

"Just going to have some dinner." 

"Well...'' he says as he swiftly closes his book and rises from the armchair, ''Let's have some dinner together then." He places the book on the coffee table and walks towards me. 

"You say that like I have a choice.'' I scoff as I turn away from in and open the wall as Draco follows me outside. A brisk wave of air greets us as soon as we step foot into the dungeons and I wrap arms around my torso as I quickly start walking. 

I glare over my shoulder and find Draco right behind me, having no trouble keeping up with my fast pace. ''I didn't know you could read by the way.'' I joke softly. 

''Inside this body is actually a pretty competent brain.'' he locks eyes with me and smirks. I scoff and shake my head as I jerk my head back to look in front of me. A competent brain? What a joke. 

As we enter the Great Hall after a few minutes of comfortable silence, the smell of roasted chicken, beef, potatoes, vegetables and gravy enter my nose. My stomach starts to rumble and I am definitely ready to devour a good dinner after the disappointing instant noodles last night. 

I catch Oliver right away and wave at him on our way to the Slytherin table. His face already looks way better, probably because Madam Pomfrey worked her magic on him and it makes me feel relieved right away. 

I sit down and Draco sits down in front of me on the other side of the table. Draco reaches for the beef roast and I reach for the chicken roast. I always go for the chicken roast and never skipped it a day in my life. 

''You should try the beef roast at least once in your life Bella.'' Draco says lowly as he now reaches for some potatoes and vegetables. My eyes widen, surprised at his comment. He noticed? 

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