29. The Prefects Bathroom

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TW: sexual and physical assault

May, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

''Did you hear it already'' Hermione whispers whilst she throws some powdered moonstone into our potion.

''What...?'' I whisper, reading over the next instruction for the Draught of Peace potion we have to brew during potions class.

For some reason Hermione is always on top of the gossip in this school. She always knows everything about everyone and it's so annoying. She always tells me everything during potions.

''You're going to love this one...'' she chuckles.

''Say it already...'' I say stirring the potion until it becomes blue.

I never really care about the gossip in between the walls of Hogwarts. I honestly hate gossip, especially since I'm usually part of it.


I raise my eyebrows at her, waiting for her to start talking.

''...I heard Pansy Parkinson gave Adrian Pucey a blowjob behind the Quidditch pitch...'' she says with her eyes wide open, raising her eyebrows.

I spill the powdered moonstone I was about to add next to the cauldron as she tells me. My eyes are getting wide as well. I swallow a lump in my throat.

''You're supposed to throw it into the cauldron you fucking amateur...'' Draco scoffs from behind me. I quickly look backwards over my shoulder and scrunch my face at him.

''Really...?'' I say softly as I turn my head back to the table, quickly cleaning up the powder, now adding it in the cauldron correctly.

Who spread this rumor? I thought I was the only one that had seen them?! And I definitely didn't tell anyone... I know better than to spread rumors about Adrian and Pansy...

''Yes really!'' she chuckles.

I add some syrup of hellebore to the now pink potion and we let that simmer for a little while.

''Who does that? Doesn't she have any self respect? And behind the Quidditch pitch?!'' Hermione scoffs with a smile in unbelief.

I don't find this funny at all. What if they think I spread the rumor?

''Well who says it's true... there's been a lot of rumors going around about me which weren't true...'' I say with a soft voice staring into the potion.

''Well firstly it is Pansy Parkinson we are talking about and secondly you are very different from her. You wouldn't something like that... And she definitely would'' she giggles.

I smile. Not me almost having sex with Draco behind the freaking greenhouse... I carefully look over my shoulder towards where Pansy is sitting. She's not paying attention to me, which is a good sign I guess...?

''It's purple, what's next?'' Hermione asks me, causing me to quickly look back at the potion.

''We need to shake the powdered porcupine quills 'vigorously' until they're ready and then we can throw them in...'' I read from the instructions.

Hermione laughs as she starts shaking vigorously.

''What's funny...?'' I ask her.

''You're neck tells me you did something vigorous a short while ago... Just saying'' she chuckles.

I hear Draco snort behind me, trying to keep himself from laughing. My eyes widen and I blush. I quickly readjust my blouse and hair to hide my neck looking at my desk.

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