47. Atta girl

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TW: sexual scenes, knife play and blood

December, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

If you want to shag her, now is the time.

His voice and words echo through my mind and I'm trying to process what it is that Draco wants right now. Sam lets out a frustrated, yet amused scoff, filling up the silence that has existed in the room.

Theo chuckles lowly and awkwardly scratches his jaw. He then walks towards Draco's sofa and takes place. ''This must be a fucking joke.'' Theo laughs, with a soft anxious tone in his voice and raises his eyebrows as he waits for someone to tell him Draco is joking.

But Draco is rarely joking. He is brutally honest ninety-nine percent of the time. He cannot afford to make jokes and if he tries to make one it's rather an insult.

''You're telling me Draco Malfoy wants to share?'' Theo looks at Sam and me for a confirmation, ''That's not suspicious at all.''

Draco and I exchange eye contact a couple of times. I'm trying to get a glimpse of what is going on in his mind, but everything is blank. He's impenetrable. Or I'm incapable.

There's a growing tension existing in the room and I can feel it in my nerves. I feel my muscles tensing and relaxing, and my jaws keep clenching together.

I turn my head towards Sam and glance at him, meeting his eyes as he smirks amusedly. Sam rolls his shoulders back and he looks over my shoulder towards Theo with a playful, yet hungry expression is his face.

''Don't allow him to change his mind, Nott.'' Sam's eyes meet mine again and he approaches closer. He raises his hand towards my face and his fingertips stroke against my cheek and jaw as his thumb traces over my bottom lip. ''You'll never know if he'll ever let you have a chance again.''

''Malfoy, how are you so sure she wants this?'' Theo says as I turn my head away from Sam to look at Theo. His eyes switch between the three of us in unbelief. ''She's all drugged up. How do you know she actually wants this?''

Sam and Draco both laugh under their breath at his comment and a smirk appears on my face. I appreciate the concern.

''I'm quite certain.'' Draco says and he takes a step towards me, starting to slowly unbutton Theo's shirt I'm still wearing. ''You see Nott,'' Draco says as he continues to open the buttons, ''She loves boys.'' As the shirt is now fully unbuttoned, Draco slides his hands on my hips, then up to my waist and he traces his fingertips along the side of my breasts.

I tilt my head back out of pleasure, and I feel Draco's lips press against the pulse point in my neck. ''She fucking craves to be touched.'' He softly kisses my neck and nibbles on my skin as his thumbs trace over my nipples, making a soft sigh escape my mouth. ''And she's a little slut if I allow her to be one.''

He then removes his lips from my neck and penetrates his grey, hungry eyes through mine as he smirks. ''I share her to reward her.'' He looks at Theo and his face turns dark and hungry, ''Because at the end of the day, no matter how many people she would fuck,'' He then looks at me again and he grabs my neck, pulling me closer towards him, ''She'll always come back running to me, begging me to fuck her.''

''I appreciate the confidence, Draco.'' I whisper slowly with a playful smirk as I feel his fingers press into my muscles.

Draco chuckles lowly and then roughly pushes me backwards and I feel my back land against Sam's chest, who's moved himself behind me when I was distracted. Draco walks away from us and places himself onto his sofa, right next to Theo.

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