16. Crucio

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February, 1996

Draco and his friends have been more quiet since Oliver and I have made it official. I have been hanging out with him a lot and they almost never get the chance of catching me alone anymore.

But it's just a matter of time before they find something new again. It always has been and it always will be. It's like a never ending story with ups and mostly downs. Whenever you get something good, there will always be someone of something to ruin it again.

The situation with Draco has been weird ever since we had that somewhat serious conversation after our rehearsal. There have been his usual sneers towards me whenever his friends were around and the rehearsals have been only about playing music.

I catch him staring at me often. Sometimes he grants me a death stare and sometimes he's just looking. He's scanning me and trying to read me.

It's almost like he has been trying to ignore and avoid me as much as I have been trying to ignore and avoid him. Like he has been trying to find a way in which he can push me out of his head.

But I have been staring at him as well. Because whatever I have been trying to get him out of my head definitely has not been successful. He's just constantly there. Penetrating my dreams and thoughts. Appearing in my daydreams during classes with that stupid fucking smirk on his face.

I know we only had meaningless dispassionate sex. And I know I probably cared more about it than he did. But there's something about him. This mysterious side he's been hiding. And I have been aching to unravel it.

I would be lying if I haven't been feeling this urge to seduce him sometimes. 'Accidentally' making sure he could look underneath my skirt or into my blouse. 'Accidentally' walking into him to 'accidentally' brush my palm against his dick.

I don't know why I crave his attention. I don't know why I want him to see me. At this point I just don't know anything anymore.

And the fucking blonde is staring at me at this very moment as I'm sitting in the grass with Oliver and Hermione during our break. I can see Draco sitting a little further away with his friends if I look just over Olivers shoulder. And he can see me.

I quickly scoot over to Oliver grab his jaw with my hand to the side and place my lips ons his as I start to make out with him for several seconds. As soon as I break our kiss I lock eyes with Draco's furious grey eyes for the slightest of seconds.

Oliver clears his throat and a soft blush appeared on his cheeks and his pupils are dilated. A soft whistle leaves his lips as his eyes awkwardly shift towards Hermione. ''Maybe you two should get a room.'' Hermione laughs as she shakes her head.

''Maybe later.'' Oliver smiles and looks at me, ''But now we should get to class.'' Oliver pushes himself on his feet and reaches out his hand to pull me up.

''Aren't you going to help me up?'' Hermione teases, which makes Oliver laugh and reach his hand out for Hermione as well. We then start walking back towards the castle.

As soon as we're back inside I have the sudden urge to pee and decide I'll go to the loo quickly before class. There's still plenty of time left. ''I just need to go to the loo really quickly. You can go ahead if you want!'' I say as soon as I find one of the girls bathrooms.

Oliver and Hermione come to a stop. ''Sure!'' Oliver smiles as he places a soft kiss on my mouth "See you around dinner, love.'' Hermione waves and they walk away together, Oliver sending me one last smirk over his shoulder with a wink.

I smile and enter the bathroom, finding it completely empty. I pick myself one of the stalls, lift my skirt and sit down on the toilet to take a pee. But as soon as I hear someone enter, I hold it in and hold my breath.

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