51. We are ready

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December, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

I wake up awfully rested the next morning, feeling Sam's slow and calm breaths prickle the back of my head. We're still in the same position as we were in when we fell asleep; Sam laying against my back with his front and his arms wrapped around my waist as though he's scared to loose me.

It's okay. It feels okay to be laying like this, even though we're not together. Our friendship is different and we need each other for comfort. Or at least, I need Sam for comfort as long as Draco isn't able to give that comfort to me.

The tension that has always been prickling between the two of us has started to fade and now all that's left is a simple longing to just hug and cuddle each other into a tight embrace. Maybe Sam doesn't need it as much as I do, but I'm sure he still needs it.

''What time is it?'' I whisper softly as I move myself away from Sam's tight grip, a yawn escaping my mouth as she feel a slight feeling of panic. I know I have to go home soon, but am not able to pinpoint how much time I have left before Moppy will come back to pick me up.

Sam groans frustratedly and turns himself around to lay on his other side. ''I don't fucking know, Bella. Early probably.''

I sit myself up and glance around the room, looking for a clock. I feel a feeling of relief as I find one hanging on the wall, giving me the ability to check the time. I still have two hours left until noon.

''I'd figured you'd be a morning person, honestly. It's already 10 a.m. and you're whining about it.'' I smirk, turning my head to look at the back of Sam's head, his hair in a mess as the curls poke out in all different directions.

Sam ignores me for a couple of seconds, but then turns back around to face me, his eyes still a  little sleepy. He pinches my arm playfully and then yawns with a grin on his face, ''I am a morning person. I just fancy using you as an excuse to sleep in a little.''

''I'm sure you do.'' I say as I rub my hand over my arm on the spot he'd just pinched. I then jump out of bed and stretch myself, starting to gather my clothes to get dressed.

''What are you doing?'' Sam says as I take off my nightgown and put on my shirt, facing him with my back.

''Getting dressed?'' I say questionably, turning myself around to put on a skirt once my shirt is on. Sam's eyes quickly roam over me before he quickly looks away.

''Since when have you become such a fucking prude, hm? Bet you'd pay to see me naked again.'' I mock him as I lift the skirt to my waist and put on some socks and shoes.

''If I want to have you naked I won't have to pay for it, I'll promise you that.'' Sam snickers and he gets out of bed as well, opening up his drawers to get out a pair of black trousers and a grey jumper.

He turns towards me as I start to brush through my hair, and he looks me up and down. I look at him with questionable eyes and he takes in a sharp breath. ''I noticed you have new scarring. You want to talk about it?''

I huff as I drop my hairbrush back into my bag and roll my eyes. ''It's not really a case of wanting, it's more that I can't talk about. Besides, it's nothing anyways. Just Rhys trying to prove a point as expected.'' I close my bag as I feel Sam watch me. ''It's probably better to distance myself from Draco a little once we're back at school. He'll probably get confused or upset about it, just make sure you're there for him even if he doesn't let you.''

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