13. The Afterparty

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TW: sexual scenes

December, 1995

Draco sits down next to me on the sofa and Sam sits down on the armchair on my right, starting to prepare two thick joints, mixing them with tobacco. Draco flicks his wand at the stereo, playing some mellow background music. 

I lean back into the backrest and huff, noticing the itch that my socks are creating on my thighs. If I will be here for much longer I might as well take them off. I push out my shoes and slide my fingers underneath the fringe of my socks, slowly rolling them down and throwing them on top of my shoes. 

As I look up again I find bot Draco and Sam staring at my thighs. ''What?!'' I hiss as I tug at the and of my oversized shirt to pull it down more and reposition myself uncomfortably. They both ignore me and Sam leans towards Draco, giving him one of the joints as they both light one for themselves. 

I see Draco looking at me through the corner of my I and then he reaches for my chin with his free hand, softly turning my head towards him as his cold rings press against my skin. With his other hand he places the joint in between lips, his face unreadable. I hesitate for about five seconds and then take two deep hits, making me cough. 

Both Sam and Draco laugh as Draco presses the joint in between is own lips again, inhaling deeply and blowing out the air towards the ceiling. "You're a special one, Bella.'' Sam calmly.

"And why is that?'' I ask irritated and turn towards him, catching him suck in his cheeks as he inhales the smoke. God. That jawline. 

''Everyone thinks you're this easy little slut.'' He locks eyes with me and tilts his head as he blows out his smoke. ''But you're interesting. I like that.'' 

''Thanks. I guess.'' I scoff as I scan his facial features, a shadow of the fire moving on his face. ''How many guys did you actually sleep with?''

''One.'' I scoff. It's non of his business, but it's the truth. 

''One'' Draco mocks me in my voice. 

''Really, one?'' Sam asks, smirking at Draco as he inhales another time, now quickly blowing out the smoke. 

''It's non of your business anyway.'' I scoff and raise my chin, scowling at Sam. ''I'm not asking around all the girls you fucked in five years.''

''Well then we would be sitting here until 7 a.m.'' Sam laughs. ''Make it 11 a.m. if we add Draco's.'' 

I slowly swallow and feel myself turn red, but Draco grabs my chin again, turning my face towards him as he presses the joint in between my lips again. I inhale once, suppressing a cough as I do so. 

Draco is awfully quiet and I almost forget about his behaviour this past evening and night. I jerk my head towards Sam again. "So how do you two know each other?" 

"We've known each other our whole lives. Our parents are good friends.'' The whites of Sams eyes slowly start to get red, ''We're like brothers." Sam opens his mouth to continue.

"That's enough." Draco interrupts him shortly. 

"What?'' Sam laughs, ''You're scared I will tell Bella all of your interesting secrets?"

''It's non of her fucking business.'' Draco scoffs as he inhales deeply, blowing out the smoke towards me as he scowls at me. 

''I don't care anyway.'' I glance over to Draco and catch his red, lazy eyes as well. ''I was just trying to make a conversation.'' 

Draco just stares right in to my eyes and places the joint in between my lips again. ''Can you go fuck already?!'' Sam scoffs, breaking our eye contact as I quickly look away from Draco. ''I can feel the sexual tension in my own dick.''

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