32. The Black Envelope

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TW: sexual scenes

June, 1996

~\~ Draco Malfoy ~\~

6 a.m. Fuck.

Bella was drained as soon as she stepped into my bed. She was gone within seconds. This whole thing took all of the energy she had within her. I can't sleep myself. I'm just sitting in my sofa, staring at her at her perfect peaceful face. There's this one thin stroke of hair right in front of her lips, which moves as she breathes out.

Sam was fucking right. I am turning her into a monster. But what did I have to fucking do? I have to keep her safe. I have to keep her at Hogwarts for as long as I can. I clench my fists as I think back about what happened before she was raped.


Two hooded figures appear in front of me as I walk deeper into the Dark Forest.

As the moonlight touches their faces I recognize them right away. It's the crazy eyes. The eyes tell me who they are as soon as I see them. The Huxleys. What the fuck do they want?

They circle around me when I stop walking. All I can hear is their slow footsteps, crunching the fresh leaves on the ground.

Then Amaris grabs me by my throat and yanks me on my knees. Her long, sharp nails are digging through the fabric of my turtle neck sweater. I don't struggle. I let her.

''Draco...'' she huffs as she looks down on me and traces her nail towards my jaw and over my cheek. I try to contain my fear.

''You're failing us...'' she says lowly.

Don't make them angry. Do. Not. Make. Them. Angry.

''I'm sorry Mrs. Huxley I don't understand...'' I say trying to suppress the shiver trying to take over my voice.

I breath in and out.

''We have given you weeks...'' she scoffs.


''I'm working on it...'' I say nervously.

She then spits in my face and grabs a fistful of my hair, piercing through me with her crazy dark eyes.


''You're a failure just like your pathetic father...'' she scoffs as she pokes her nail into my skin.

''Tell me what I need to do...'' I huff, heavily panting now.

''I want some action Draco...''

''She needs to get out pushed over the edge a little more...'' she smirks crazily as she releases my head.

I nod at her, waiting for her to tell me what she wants.

''She needs to do something she wouldn't do...'' Amaris says as she walks a circle around me again, looking at the dark sky.

''Tell me what it is Draco...'' she whispers crouching at my level.

I stay silent for a few seconds looking at her rotten teeth. Think. Draco think. That's it.

''Revenge...'' I say softly.

Her eyes widen and she lets out a hysterical laugh.

''Revenge?!'' she scoffs, pointing her wand at my throat.

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