52. Happy New Year

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TW: sexual assault, drugs/drugging, sexual scenes

December, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

It hurt. It really hurt. And I know Draco knew it did. He knew something was up even though I tried to shift my behavior towards him. 

It was difficult. The feeling of seeing him again in that room was indescribable. It took me countless of breaths to get myself to the point of pushing him away. And I know it confused him, because it confused me. It confused me because every bone and every drop of blood in my body didn't want it.  

Draco isn't one to chase me. He'll wait till I come back to him. He thinks, or rather thinks he knows I will. But I really won't. At least not for a while. Not until I know for certain the coast is clear for both of us. 

It's true what I told him in that foyer when he lay limb on the ground below me. I am taking care of him now. I'm taking care of myself and him. 

If Voldemort wins it's safer for us to both end up with the person of our parents desire. And if Voldemort doesn't win, Draco most likely will end up in Azkaban for his crimes. I will, most probably, end up there too. 

Even though I have to admit that Rhys' 'idea' of me pushing doesn't sound too bad after all, taking our safety into account, i'd still rather have it in another way. It would only take a short amount of time until they'd find out about me and Draco. Rhys already did. All it took was a few words from Rhys and Draco and I would be doomed. 

Even though the world is about to fucking collapse, Theo Nott still thought it would be a good idea to celebrate a new year. We're celebrating a year that, if everything goes according to Voldemort's plan, will be a dark one. 

I'm allowed to go. Networking purposes of course. Mum and dad wanting to show off their daughter even though they have been gone for days ever since they left that night during the meeting. And under strict supervision of Rhys, who's now seems to become my owner rather than my fucking future husband. 

Everyone will be there. And with everyone I mean all the respected pure bloods and half bloods. All the oh so sacred families who probably can't wait to gain some power Voldemort has been promising ever since he returned. 

As I'm trying to put my hair in a tight ponytail in the mirror I hear someone, who I believe to be Rhys enter. As I slowly turn around I find him dressed in a white button-up and black dress pants. His hair is nicely combed back and his spicy cologne fills the room.

I've never seen him dressed up. Even though he's pure blood and should have been raised with the needed etiquette, he's never bothered to use it. He's always looking shady. Clean but shady. He doesn't give a single fuck about etiquette. He doesn't give a single fuck about anything really. 

Rhys smirks and chuckles under his breath as he takes in the dress Moppy insisted me on wearing. ''I'm surprised you decided to wear it.'' Rhys says calmly as he rubs his hands, ''Must've known I picked it out for you.''

''Wasn't aware I had a choice since Moppy brings me an outfit of your choosing everyday.'' I say as I raise my eyebrows, reaching for the ground to put on my heals after I'm finished with my ponytail. ''Merlin knows what happens when I pick out a different shirt. You might rat me and Draco out to everyone and we'll end up dead before we get to see Hogwarts burn.'' 

''You know Bella, I thought we'd have broken you enough by now to not be able to love anymore just like the rest of us.'' Rhys takes a step closer and he crouches down in front of me, starting to tie the shoelaces of my heels, ''Yet this stupid, pathetic boy of a Malfoy keeps pulling you back. Do I have to kill him to make you fucking realize it's not an option anymore?''  Rhys scoffs, ''I told you this before and I will continue to say it. That love will fucking kill you.'' 

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