38. Cry

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September, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

Exactly one year ago I was standing at the same spot on platform 9 3/4, staring at he Hogwarts Express, nervous about attending my fifth year at Hogwarts. At that point I didn't know my life would change drastically that year.

I changed. The nervous and insecure feelings are gone. The fear is gone. It's the first year I will be entering this train without this boiling feeling deep in my stomach. I know what is expected of me. And I know there is no one who dares to get in my way now. Not Pansy, not Adrian, not Crabbe, not Goyle, not Blaise. No more bullying, no more torture, no more harassing.

I scan the platform again. Fresh, young students aching to go attend school at one of the most magical places on earth. Older students who can't wait to finish and start with their future. If only they knew what was coming for them. If only they knew everything will be different soon.

''Bella!'' I hear Hermione call for me as I slowly turn around, catching her walking up to me with Harry and Ron right by her side. ''You are sitting with us!'' she smiles, ''We have loads to catch up on...''

I glare over her shoulder and find Draco Malfoy's blonde hair in between a big crowd of Slytherins who are entering the back of the train. I have a few things I need to accomplish this year. One of them is cracking Draco Malfoy and one of them is getting closer to Harry, Ron and Hermione. I guess Draco has to wait for now.

I glance back at Hermione. ''Let's find a seat then.'' I smile as each one of them hugs me into a tight embrace. We find ourselves an empty cabin and I take place next to Harry on the seat by the window, Hermione and Ron sitting in front of us.

''I cannot believe this is our sixth year already...'' Hermione huffs as she takes a sip out of her water bottle.

As Ron, Harry and Hermione start talking with each other I look out of the window, scanning the houses and buildings as we slowly leave London behind us.

''Bella...'' Hermione shifts in her seat after a few minutes, ''We are sorry about your parents.'' I feel them all looking at me as I widen my eyes at her and slowly swallow.

''We all have written you letters, but you have probably been caught up with a lot of other stuff, hence the reason why you didn't write us back?'' she asks me, scanning my face.

''Yes.'' I shift my body away from the window and back to them, ''It has been quite the summer to say the least...'' I huff. They all look at me, eagerly waiting for me to continue.

''A while ago, Dumbledore told me that the Diggory's weren't my birth parents and that I got taken away from my real parents when they were send to Azkaban.'' I fold my hands together, switching eye contact between the three of them.

''He didn't tell me their names, but I did some research this summer and that way I found out I am the daughter of Amaris and Theodore Huxley.'' all of their eyes widen right away. They must somehow know about them, since they have been involved with Voldemort ever since first year.

''And then my parents disappeared...'' I say as I clench my jaws, the images coming back to me in flashes right away. ''And Cedric doesn't remember me anymore...''

Hermiones hand flies in on top of her mouth as she gasps and Harry and Ron have a disturbed look on their face with this new information.

I know I can tell them this, because the word of me being a Huxley has been going around ever since the dinner and Dark Dance. They would find out soon enough if they didn't find out already.

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