12. Ravenclaw

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December, 1995

At exactly 10:45 p.m. I stop right in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, who is loudly snoring as her chest goes up with every breath she takes. I study her with a smirk, being as silent as I can to not wake her up. She knows my face now ever since I have been seeing Oliver, sighing heavily every time I mysteriously know about their password.

The portrait then opens slowly and Oliver slips through the portrait hole with a smirk on his face, wearing a red jumper and kaki chinos. ''Are you really Oliver this time?'' I laugh as I make space for him to jump through the hole.

''Well who knows?'' he laughs as he lands on his feet and crosses his arms with a grimace, ''Ask me something only I would know.''

''What's my favorite type of flower?''

"White orchids.''

I roll my eyes and move closer to him as I wrap my hands around his neck, "You passed the test, Wood.'' I give him a soft kiss and pat him on his chest approvingly.

Oliver takes my hand and we make our way to what seems to be the west side of Hogwarts. ''You look pretty.'' he says as he softly squeezes my hand. I feel a soft blush appear on my face as I thank him.

After a few minutes we near some stairs and we slowly ascend them, ending up in front of an another, but now spiral, staircase. I have never been here before and my eyes hungrily look around to take in this new side of the castle.

We now ascend the spiral staircase and end up on what I believe to be the fifth floor, finding a boy leaning against a door without a doorknob or keyhole. It only has a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

The boy is gorgeous. He's tall, has wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes dark brown eyes. He isn't skinny nor muscular, but perfectly proportioned. And he has this playful, but mysterious smile.

As I take in his features more closely I feel like I recognize him. It's like I somehow have met him before, but I can't recall when. I have probably seen him in the Great Hall before.

''Hi Wood.'' the boy says lowly as he reaches out his hand. ''Hi Lancaster.'' Oliver responds shortly as he takes the boys hand, who apparently is Sam Lancaster, to shake it. Sam then turns towards me and looks me up and down. ''And you must be Bella Diggory.''


His voice is deep and soft. It's the kind of voice that could whisper sweet nothings in your ear and you would completely loose yourself in it.

"Well if I were you Oliver,'' he turns back to Oliver without shaking my hand,  ''I would make it official with her as soon as possible...''

''The fact that we haven't made it official yet doesn't mean she isn't with me.'' Oliver scoffs, obviously annoyed by Sams comment.

''Sure.'' he snickers, ''Until there's someone better than you.''

So these two aren't good friends apparently. "Can we go in now Sam?!'' I ask irritated, scowling at him because he's being so annoying.

"Sassy I see...'' he smirks as he quickly glances at me. He then turns around, mumbles something to the door and the door unlocks.

Oliver and I walk through a little corridor and the music and voices get louder and louder as we walk further. ''What a peculiar guy.'' I huff as we enter the Ravenclaw common room, filled with people I do and do not recognize.

It's truly gorgeous. It is very wide, circular and airy and there's arched windows with blue- and- bronze curtains hanging in front of them. The ceiling is domed and is painted with stars and moons, echoing in the midnight-blue carpet. All the sofa's are velvet blue and there's bookcases everywhere, like they have their own little library. I also see a tall statue of white marble, standing in a niche. The view must be great during the day.

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