46. Now is the time

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December, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

It's been a fucking while. 

It's been a fucking while since I had fun. It's been a while since I could attend a party or social gathering without either being anxious or to have it end in a total disaster I got myself involved with. 

It's been a while since my mind has been somewhere else than with Draco, my future or wanting to kill myself. 

My mind has gotten foggy and distracted instead tonight. Focused on the music, focused on dancing, focused on alcohol, focused on keeping myself from tripping over. 

I don't even care at this point. As long as I can feel like a normal teenager for this one last time I'll take it. I'll take all of it. 

I don't want to think about the fact that I will be going home again in a few hours. I don't want to think about what will happen during the following two weeks. 

I want to go so far I will regret it. 

''Maybe we should get her back to her room.'' I hear Theo's voice say as we're walking through the dark halls. I don't even know nor can remember where we are going. Theo just told me people were slowly leaving and we should go. 

One of Theo's arms is firmly wrapped around my upper arm, the other his switching between pressing against my back and holding my waist to steady me as we walk. 

''Nott, she's fine. I swear.'' I hear Sams voice say and I look to my right, finding Sam with his arm wrapped around the shoulder of his date. 

''Yes, Nott,'' I chuckle and stop walking, pulling myself out of his arms. ''Look!'' I throw my arms in the air and place one foot in front of another, as though I'm walking on a thin line. I almost immediately loose my balance and Theo catches me in his arms with a snort. 

''Don't blame me if she ends up making stupid mistakes again.'' Theo says with a laugh as he pulls me against him, forcing me to almost trip over my heels. 

''What mistakes?'' I hear Blaise laugh from behind me. 

''Maybe something like getting herself fed drunk by two morons.'' I hear Pansy's high voice penetrate through my ears, ''And then getting herself fucked inside a classroom by Lancaster.'' A few people walking behind and in front of us snort and chuckle, ''Or a filthy Gryffindor like Wood.'' 

''I bet they weren't the only ones that got a little taste of her every time she was hammered.'' Adrian snickers lazily, the drunkness engraved in his tone, ''Considering how easy she is sober.'' 

''Every girl is easy if you rape them, Pucey.'' Sam hisses at him, causing Adrian to laugh. 

''Oh please,'' Adrian says arrogantly, ''She could've left if she wanted. She chose not to, because she fucking liked it.'' 

''I'm right here and perfectly able to comprehend what you're all saying.'' I scoff, but then suddenly Theo forces us to stop and turns us around. I find Sams hands clenched around Adrians collar as Sam has Adrian pushed against the wall. 

''Easy, Ravenclaw.'' Adrian laughs with a smirk, playfully challenging Sams eyes. 

''Stop talking shit about her.'' Sam says as he tightens his grip. Meanwhile Theo releases me and joins Marcus and Blaise, who are standing closely behind Sam to make sure it doesn't escalate. 

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