33. Goodbye year 5

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TW: sexual scenes

June/July, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

A dinner. At the Malfoys. To celebrate the start of summer. That's not fucking weird at all. I look at the some kids that received the same black envelope. It's the wealthy, strong pure blood line kids only.

I quickly shove the envelope into my robe, catching Pansy staring at me whilst I do it. Fuck. Why did I get this invite?!

''What was that?'' Eva asks with her big eyes staring at the spot in which I hid the envelope.

I glance at Draco, who walks towards Sam. Draco nods his head at him and Sam stands up to follow him right away. As they walk away I shove the last piece of my sandwich into my mouth.

''I'm going to find out... See you later missy...'' I wink at her as I stand up, still chewing on my sandwich.

I follow them outside the Great Hall. They are both so fucking fast since they're both way taller than I am.

''Hey! Guys!'' I hiss at them, making them look over their shoulders.

''Keep up...'' Draco hisses back at me. He then opens a door to a broom closet and we enter with the three of us. Draco closes the door as I'm pressed against Sams chest with my back.

''Couldn't you pick a classroom?'' I huff as I feel Sam's breath on my head as he chuckles.

''Nice and cozy don't you think'' Sam says as he traces his fingers down my neck, leaving goosebumps on my skin.

''Looks like the perfect spot for another - ''

''Sam...'' Draco scoffs angrily, cutting Sam off.

''Just joking...'' he says as he quickly removes his hand from my neck.

''Can someone explain?'' I say after a few seconds of silence.

''It's the yearly dinner party at the Malfoys'' Sam says from behind me.

''Yes Sam I can fucking read...'' I scoff at him, sounding more aggressive than I intended.

''Why am I invited? Last time I checked I was a bloodtraitor...'' Sam asks Draco as he starts stroking through my soft hair.

''Well ask your fucking parents... I'm more interested about why she's invited'' Draco says as he locks eyes with me and nods in my direction, pushing away Sams hand from stroking through my hair.

''So why am I invited?'' I scoff, wondering if he knows more than he acts like.

''They want Bella Huxley to go public...'' Draco says as he clenches his jaws.

''Oh fuck...'' Sam huffs.

''Yes. Oh fuck.'' Draco says sarcastically as he turns his back on me and Sam and smashes his fist on the door, making me and Sam jump.

''You can't go'' Draco says as he turns around.

''Why? I would be -''

''It wasn't a fucking suggestion Bella. You're not going'' he scoffs as he bites on the inside of his cheek.

''Why are you acting so tense it's just dinner?!'' I scoff stepping towards him. It would be a fucking relieve to not have to lie anymore.

''Fuck you're so stupid sometimes...''

My face scrunches at his comment and I look up over my shoulder towards Sam.

''They're going to fucking sell you like a pig to some random guy...'' Draco scoffs.

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