18. Sam Lancaster

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March, 1996

I wake up to a bouncing sound on the door and find Draco shaking the hell out of me. "Bella! Why the fuck are you still here?!'' Draco hisses softly, but aggressively with panic in his eyes.

I look at him confused, still sleepy and not knowing what's going on. He pulls me out of the bed and pushes me towards his closet, pushing me inside. He presses his index finger against his lips and says, "No sounds, or you will fucking regret it." He then shuts the door, leaving me in the dark in between his clothes and still naked.

I hear him opening his door and hear some people storm into his room. "Fucking hell Mr. Casanova is back again isn't he?!'' I hear Blaises voice say with an amused tone.

''What are you talking about Blaise?!'' I hear Draco scoff.

''Oh don't you dare fool us Malfoy! We heard everything last night. It sounded you were sending that girl up to space mate!'' Blaise laughs.

''She was screaming like crazy.'' I hear Adrian chuckle.

I happen to know that Blaise and Adrian sleep on both sides of Draco's room and that's why they probably heard me. I was already scared for this to happen. But Draco didn't let me cover up my mouth. And in the heat of the moment we both forgot to use Muffliato.

''So who is the mystery girl?'' Blaise asks with a snort.

''There's no fucking mystery girl." Draco scoffs lowly, "You've probably imagined it.''

''Oh fuck you Malfoy. There's a huge fucking hickey in your neck. Or did you do that yourself mate?'' Blaise laughs as I hear the some other boys laugh with him.

''ALRIGHT! Alright. I fucked a girl! What's new guys? Now can you leave?!'' Draco yells annoyed.

I really want to see his face right now, but I can't because he hid me in a fucking closet. And I'm not sure if that's the better or the worse option he chose.

''So you're not going to tell us who it is? Normally you're bragging about them right away.'' Blaise asks.

''It's non of your fucking business. Now fuck off.'' Draco sounds angry. He got caught and he's not having it at all.

''Alright, alright." Adrian laughs, but there's a disappointed sound in his voice. "We will find out anyway Malfoy. You know that don't you?''

I hear a sigh, and then some stumbling which leads me to believe the boys that were in his room are now leaving. As soon as I hear his bedroom door close, Draco aggressively opens the closet and pulls me out by my wrist.

''Ouch!" I jerk my wrist from his grip and scrunch my face. "What the fuck, Malfoy?!''

He starts pacing around the room as I stand there all naked, arms crossed in front of me and shivering because I'm cold.

He then suddenly stops pacing and turns towards me, looking me up and down with disgust. ''Get the fuck out of my room right now." His voice is on the verge of shaking.

''What? What's wrong?!''

''I should've send you away right after I fucked you. That's what's wrong." His jaw clenches as he sends me a frustrated scowl. "I can't believe I let a dirty mudblood whore like you spend the night with me."

I stay silent as I study his face, not quite comprehending his anger. Nobody knows it was me? Then why is he so fucking frustrated?

''GET OUT!'' he yells again as he starts grabbing my clothes off the floor and throws them at me.

''Is this what it will be like then?'' I ask him, aggressively putting on my clothes, trying to push away my tears.

There's no answer from Draco. Just two frustrated grey eyes burning on my skin.

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