54. I do love you

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TW: violence, blood, knife play, sexual scenes

January, 1997

Draco felt himself grow hard, despite feeling the pain inside of his stomach. Somehow all of it aroused him. The blood, the pain and Bella taking all the control over him. He never experienced anything quite like it.

He always was the one that took control. He was the one that had girls whimpering for his dick at his feet. He was the one that made girls beg for him. He was the one who completely ruined them on a mental and physical level. It always had made him feel confident and powerful. It gave him the ability to be in control when he didn't have the opportunity to be in control over his own life.

But the thought of Bella taking that all away from him. The thought of Bella using him and hurting him in whatever way she wanted. It did something to him. It awakened a side in him that wanted to — obey?

Draco looked down at Bella's bloody hands opening his trousers, and then looked a little further up to meet her eyes again. The softness that used to be there had totally disappeared and she almost seemed feral. He was her prey. She caught him and now she was ready to claim him again.

He felt Bella roughly grab his jaw with her bloody hand. Her grip was surprisingly strong. Strong enough to leave bruises on his jaw.

"You wanted to test me, hm?" Bella said as Draco saw her clench her jaws together angrily. "What the fuck did you think, you fool?!" Bella shook her head disapprovingly. "Just because I told you I'm not yours doesn't mean you're not mine anymore. You're fucking mine. I own you, Draco."

Draco let out a soft smirk which he hoped Bella didn't see, but sharp as she was she did see it. She corrected him with a quick and rather hard smack across his face, making Draco crack his jaw. 

"Easy there." Draco said lowly as he rolled his neck. He wasn't as impressed with her as she wanted him to be. Yet. "It doesn't work like that, love. If you're not mine, I'm not yours."

Bella slid her free hands inside of his trousers and palmed his crotch, making Draco let out a soft whimper. It's been a little while since he had been touched like that by Bella and feeling it again made him weak for more.

"Say it again." Bella whispered as she slowly started rubbing over his underwear, forcing Draco to tilt his head back a little, his lips parting to let out a big breath. "I dare you. Say it again." Bella repeated herself. Draco let out a soft groan as Bella tightened her grip and Draco looked down at her wide eyed. He wanted to test her so badly.

"I'm not yours, Bella."

Draco knew how those words had made him feel when Bella said them to him. She promised to take care of him and then dropped those words like they didn't mean anything. How could she possibly take care of him if she wasn't his?

Bella slowly blinked and took her hand out of his trousers, her other hand still holding his jaw.

"We'll see." she said softly. "With every fucking sound coming out of your disgusting mouth I'll make it worse. Just remember that. I'll take away your voice. I'll take away your sight. I'll hurt you until there's tears running down your face. And it will all be your own fucking fault."

Bella released his chin, then dropped to her knees. She roughly pulled down his trousers and boxers.

She usually always was all talk. But she just proved to Draco she was capable of more by the girl in her thigh and stabbing him in his stomach. Draco wasn't precisely sure how far he could push her before he'd regret it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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