28. Three is a lot of fun

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TW: sexual scenes

May, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

After a long day of classes and a nice dinner I'm leaning against my headboard and Draco is laying in between my legs, his head buried between my soft breast.

We're still not open in public, making sure as little people know about it as possible. As far as I know only Blaise and Sam know there's feelings involved. The of the people either think he's just using me to fuck, or they think we're not doing anything anymore. Everyone his too scared to ask though. Plus it's already become old news right now.

The truth is: Draco Malfoy does whatever the fuck he wants and no student at Hogwarts will ever judge him for anything he does, even if it's having sex with a muggle born. If he finds out about you talking shit about him, he will find you and punish you for it. I've experienced it so many times myself.

I'm reading one of my books as I stroke my fingers through his silky blonde hair. It's so fucking soft and it smells so good. Draco is reading one of his magazines.

These moments make me forget everything around me. We're just together, enjoying our time. We don't have to talk. We are just in each others presence, which sometimes is all we need.

Draco drops his magazine on his lap and tilts his head back towards my chest and grabs my chin to make me look at him.

''What?'' I smile closing my book.

''Nothing... Just looking'' Draco smiles at me.

''Erm... okay'' I laugh awkwardly.

''You know you are fucking gorgeous Bella...'' he huffs.

''Shut up...'' I say as I roll my eyes.

He quickly turns around, pushing himself up and now leaning on his hands right in front of me. He's still positioned in between my legs.

''You're mine...'' he whispers as he places a soft kiss on my lips.

''Well don't worry Malfoy, nobody else wants me anyway...'' I smile jokingly.

His eyes widen as he raises his eyebrows.

''What?! It's true!'' I smile.

''You are so fucking innocent and ignorant...'' he whispers.

''Why?'' I whisper back, placing a kiss on his lips this time.

''I've seen how the boys have been looking at you... You're just blind. They all would fuck you no doubt... Even Sam told me he would...'' he says with a dirty smirk.

''Shut up... That's bullshit...'' I smile looking down to my hands.

''I know you would fuck him to...'' he whispers in my ear, which makes a shiver go down my spine. My eyes widen.

''I- uhm...''

''...No? I mean he's handsome but I'm with you...'' I say, blushing and getting uncomfortable.

''Bella...'' he laughs, softly grabbing my chin to make me look up to him again.

''Tell me... Would you fuck him if you weren't with me...'' he says, looking straight through my soul.

I thought we were past this idiotic jealousy towards Sam. And to think Sam would want to fuck me is just outrageous honestly....

''Well... Probably? But-''

Draco interrupts me with a kiss.

I'm so confused.

''What are you on about? You want a threesome or something?'' I laugh as a joke.

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