23. Liar

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TW: sexual scenes

April, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

As I enter through the doors I decide to look for either Cedric or Oliver right away. It's already past lunch time, but maybe one of them is studying in the Great Hall.

I get dozens of looks on my way there. Everyone probably knew about my disappearance. I would be shocked too if someone just appeared again after weeks. I just ignore them and continue my way.

As I enter the Great Hall there's a few study groups spread along the tables. I can't see Oliver or Cedric anywhere. I feel lonely, not knowing anyone else to look for.

Then I spot Sams brown curls as he's sitting with his Ravenclaw study group, working on some project.

It wouldn't hurt going up to him, would it? I suppose I could call him a friend, sort of...? I decide to just walk up to him and see how it goes.

''Bella?!'' he yells as soon as he sees me. He stands up immediately and hugs me into a tight embrace. It feels so good to be hugged.

He looks me up and down, clearly noticing something bad happened to me when I was gone.

''Let's go somewhere private...'' he says as he grabs my hand.

''I'll see you later guys...'' he yells over his shoulder to his study group as they make confused faces about the situation.  Then he leads me outside so we can speak privately. We sit down on a little bench.

''When Draco left he showed me a note from his father. It requested him to come home this weekend for urgent business. Were you the urgent business?'' he asks me with worry in his eyes.

Why is he so fucking smart. I nod, staring down at the ground awkwardly fiddling with my fingers.

''W-, what happened...'' he asks me tugging some hair behind my ear. Goosebumps appear on my skin due to his subtle touch.

''I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you Sam...'' I answer as I awkwardly reposition myself on the bench. 

''Is Draco okay?'' he asks me.

''I think so... I didn't get to speak to him when I left.'' I answer shortly.

We share a moment of silence, Sam still comprehending my sudden return.

''He truly cares about you you know...'' Sam then suddenly says.

''What?'' I ask

''You heard him that night, Draco. I know he cares about you. I can see it in his eyes. He's just confused... I think he never felt this way about someone before'' he says with a subtle smile on his face.

''It's hard for me to understand what he wants and needs from me...'' I answer.

''He doesn't understand it himself Bella... What Draco needs is someone like you, although he doesn't want to accept it...'' he says stroking my cheek to comfort me.

I think about the weekend we spend together. I got to see a better side of him. A side that doesn't need to act a certain way in front of his friends or family. A side that really cared about me. Apart from that he still has trouble opening up to me, about himself and about his family. About his past and present. It's hard for me, being this patient with him.

It's hard to accept everything he does to me, just because he's broken. Just because he says he doesn't have a choice. It's a good excuse, but he can't be using it forever.

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