31. The dark forest

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June, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

The end of this year is nearing which means the O.W.L.S. are as well. Almost forgot about them due to the shit show that has been going on around me lately. Let's just say I have a shitload of studying to do. 

''Nice face mudblood, didn't know you could get any uglier...'' a random third year Slytherin scoffs at me whilst walking past me in the Great Hall. 

''Why don't you shut your pre puberal mouth you little shit?!'' I hear Hermione scoff from behind me before I'm able to reply myself. 

Then she sits down next to me and Harry and Ron join us at the other side of the table, unpacking their books for studying. 

''Merlins Beard Bella? What happened to you?!'' Harry says as his eyes widen looking at my face, making both Hermione and Ron look up at me right away as well. 

''Hello to you too guys...'' I awkwardly smile, finishing up a sentence of my summary. 

''Are you alright?! Did Malfoy do this to you?!'' Hermione says as she puts her hand on my back and slowly starts to rub it. It makes me uncomfortable. 

''No not the blonde this time...'' I huff as I roll my eyes thinking about his absurdly gorgeous and perfect face. 

''Pansy?'' Harry asks. 

''And Adrian...'' I huff awkwardly staring at the parchment in front of me. 

''Why?!'' Hermione raises her voice, which makes a few students turn around. I look up at her, her face concerned. 

''You know the blowjob thing?'' 

Harry, Hermione and Ron nod their faces heavily, waiting for me to spill the truth. 

''Well I kind of saw it happening... And they saw me...'' I huff. All of their eyes widen even more, their mouths are seconds away from dropping to the table. 

''They think I spread the rumor, which I didn't. And you can probably guess the rest...'' I say quickly trying to shove away the images that pop up in my head again. 

Hermiones face turns white like a ghost and she swallows a big lump. She then turns to her book right away, awkwardly hiding her face behind her hair. 

''You have to tell Dumbedore! They fucking need to get expelled!!!!'' Harry says, frustration in his eyes. 

''No way. It will only get me in more trouble...''

Harry and Ron look at me with questioning eyes. 

''Hogwarts never does anything about them, because they're filthy fucking rich pure bloods...'' I scoff. 

It's true. I have tried to tell stuff before. All it ended up with is exposing myself. Putting myself in a fragile position as a snitch. Never fucking again. I know Harry has this special connection with Dumbledore, but I don't feel the same way at all. 

''What's up with you all of a sudden Mione?'' Ron scoffs staring at Hermione who is not paying attention to the conversation anymore. 

''N- nothing...'' she stutters. 

''Mione...?'' Harry says. 

''Okay fuck!'' she then suddenly scoffs as she smashes two flat hands on the table, making us jump. There's a short moment of silent tension between the four of us. 

''I spread the rumor...'' she says softly.

My throat tightens and my nails clench into my book. She did what now?! Did I hear that correctly?!

''You what...'' I say lowly, trying to control my anger. 


''Fuck off Hermione...'' I say, putting all of my frustration into the book. 

''Bella I'm sorry...'' she says with tears in her eyes. 

I jump up from my seat making myself look down at her teary, big eyes. 

''You have no fucking idea what you have put me through...'' I hiss, tears now appearing into my own eyes as well. 

''NOW FUCK OFF!!!'' I scream, my voice overpowering all the chattering in the Great Hall. The whole Hall turns silent and looks at us. 

Hermione jumps up from her seat and quickly gathers her books. Then she quickly runs away as fast as she can, bumping into a surprised Malfoy who pushes her making her drop her books on the way. 

I go back to my seat as I clench my jaws together and stare at my book, forcing my tears back into my eyes. 

God I'm furious. I am fucking fuming. I am angry. My blood is boiling. God I want to punch something right now. Anything. Anyone. 

You're not going to tell me that non of this would have happened if she kept het dirty fucking mouth shut?! I can't believe it. 

I lock eyes with Ron and Harry, who both swallow a big lump in their throat, obviously feeling uncomfortable about the situation. 

''I know you guys want to run after her... You can leave me alone.'' I scoff. They want to comfort their perfect and innocent best friend. 

Harry grabs my clenching fist with his hand. I look up to him and meet a comforting smile. It's the type of smile that shows pity. It's the type of smile that tells you everything will be okay. It's the type of smile that understands that you need to be left alone at this moment. 

''We'll see you later... Just let us know if you need anything.'' Harry says, softly squeezing in my fist. After that Ron and Harry stand up and leave the Great Hall to search for Hermione. 

What the fuck did I expect?! A quiet day of studying with the Golden Trio? Why can't everything go as fucking planned. Why is my life filled with fucking detours all the time. 

''Are you okay Bella...'' I hear Oliver say in front of me. I quickly wipe away the tear that rolled down my cheek. 

Great. Another one. 

''Fine...'' I huff as I dip my quill into my ink and proceed with my summary, flipping the page of my book. 

''You don't look fine...'' Oliver says with a concerned face as he invites himself on the seat in front of me. 

''Is it that obvious?'' I smile at him. 

''You know you can talk to me...'' he says, awkwardly fiddling with his fingers. 

''Why is everyone so fucking interested in my life...'' I huff, dropping my quill to the table. 

I used to wish for friends. I used to envy anyone with a friend group. I forgot that it means everyone wants to know every fucking detail about you, which isn't the most convenient if you're in love with someone who serves the Dark Lord. Or if your real parents are Death Eaters. 

''People care about you...'' Oliver smiles, but his eyes look up right above my head right after, his eyes showing a display of disgust. 

And then I smell it. It sounds weird. But I always smell his cologne before I feel his touch. 

One ringed hand appears on the table on my left side, the other hand appears on the table on my right side. His chest presses against my back, I feel his chin right above my head, closing me in completely. My eyes widen. 

''Trying to shoot your shot again Wood? Didn't she dump your pathetic ass?''. His low tone sinks into my bones, sending shivers down my spine. Oliver scoffs at his comment. 

It's incredible. The Malfoy I get to see when we're alone and the Malfoy I get to see when we're in public. He always finds his ways to touch me or talk to me in public, even if it has a bitter after taste. 

But Oliver didn't do anything wrong. He isn't even bothering me. I enjoy his friendly face. I know this is Malfoys jealousy getting the best of him. Again. 

''Shut up Malfoy... You don't know anything about it!'' Oliver scoffs, not being able to think of a come back so soon. 

''Oooooo...'' Draco says lowly as he pushes himself from the table, but keeps himself standing behind me.

''But I do Oliver...'' 

His fingers slide a stroke of my hair behind my ear. And then he tightly grabs a big bunch of it, yanking my face so that he can look down on me. 

''...Because otherwise she wouldn't be on her knees begging me too fuck her deep into her tight little pussy, when she was seeing you the next -'' 

''Malfoy!'' I gasp, eyes wide as I cut him off. I can't fucking believe him.

Oliver knows I cheated on him but Draco doesn't have to press on the fucking wound. 

''So it talks?...'' he says lowly with a dirty smirk. 

''Fuck off Malfoy I'm serious...'' Oliver says angrily as he rises from his seat. Draco moves his eyes towards Oliver with a degrading look. His other hand moves towards my throat. 

''Such a good little slut for me weren't you Bella...'' he says, still penetrating through Olivers eyes. 

Oliver launches himself over the table and grabs Draco's tie, Olivers other hand presses his wand against Draco's throat. 

''I said fuck off you pathetic scumbag...'' Oliver says lowly. 

''Pathetic scumbag'' Draco mocks in Olivers tone. 

''Do it...'' he whispers. 

''Do it Gryffindor...'' he raises is voice. 

Olivers hands are shaking out of anger. Draco's hands are still on my head and throat. 

''Oliver just leave it, he just wants a reaction from you...'' I scoff. 

''She's a smart one isn't she...'' Draco laughs, not bothered by Olivers wand pressed against his throat at all.

Oliver tightens his grip on Draco's collar, making Draco chuckle lowly. 

''Oliver you know they will take Quidditch away from you as a consequence...'' I huff trying to not have this escalate.  

He looks at me quickly and then back at Draco.

''Fine... He's not worth my time anyway...'' he scoffs with disgust in his eyes and voice. 

Quidditch. It always does the fucking trick. 

''Well I definitely was worth Bella's time...'' Draco smirks as he releases my throat and hair. 

''Oh fuck this!'' I yell as launch from my seat and quickly try to gather my stuff, leaving them both staring at me. 

I can't handle their hostility right now and I definitely don't want to be in the middle of it. I have some other shit to deal with. 

I barge out of the Great Hall, ignoring all the looks and whispers. Dumbledore has requested to see me today anyway, better use the time to hide from everyone. 

As I make my way to Dumbledores office, someone grabs my wrist tightly and and pulls me inside an empty classroom. Oh Draco Malfoy. 

He smashes the door in its doorpost and pushes me up against it, placing his hands on either sides of my head closing me in. 

''What was that?'' he hisses. I roll my eyes. 

''You didn't have to treat Oliver like that... And it was fucking embarrassing for me!'' I scoff at him. He just laughs at my answer. 

''What...'' I hiss. I'm fucking pissed. 

''Well the look on his face was -'' 

I interrupt him with a slap in his face which turns his mood completely. He cracks his neck by moving his neck from side to side and clenches his jaws as he pierces his angry eyes through mine. 

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to slap him. But his stupid behavior makes me fucking pissed at him. 

''You're lucky...'' he huffs lowly. 

I scoff as I turn my head away. He grabs my chin, carefully to not press into any bruises and pushes my head back to lock eyes. 

''You would be crying bend over a table if you weren't in the state you're in right now...'' he scoffs with threatening eyes.

His hands are aching to choke me. He's controlling himself from punishing me into oblivion. I can see it. The best thing is to shut my mouth and nod like a good girl. But I'm not doing the best thing right now. 

''Malfoy, Malfoy...''

''Always talking big aren't you...'' I smirk at him. 

''Oh...'' he whispers rolling his eyes. 

His grip on my chin tightens right away, pressing into my cuts and bruises. It's makes me squirm and moan out of pain. 

''Look at that attitude... Such a big girl...'' he smirks with a degrading tone in his voice. 

''I need to go big boy...'' I whisper as I pat him on his chest.

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