41. Bloodwhore

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TW: sexual scenes and knife play

November, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

''What now?!'' I say as I gape towards the spot where Draco was standing seconds ago. Sam starts running and I start running right behind him as we try to follow the blonde in front of us.

''I will try to keep him from killing himself.'' Sam says as he swiftly looks over his shoulder, ''And you will try to keep him from killing me.''

''Sam we need to be honest with him though.'' I huff as I can feel myself running out of breath.

''Bella I wasn't even inside of you.'' he scoffs as we turn a corner, roaming through the dark hallways. ''Nothing happened.''

''Sam!'' I yell as I grab his upper arm, trying to keep up with his fast pace. ''I initiated it, just blame me.''

Sam rolls his eyes and fastens his pace, forcing me to almost run. ''Bella, at this point he thinks his best friend fucked the person he loves the most, which I definitely would have done if you didn't tell me to stop.'' He jerks his head towards me, ''We are both to blame here.''

We turn another corner and then suddenly I start to recognize the surroundings. He's running towards the Room of Requirement, probably hoping we won't be able to follow him in. As we reach the seventh floor and turn into the left corridor, the wall closes right in front of our eyes.

''Fucking Draco Malfoy!'' Sam throws his hands in the air out of frustration and traces his hands through his hair as his eyes gaze over the wall in which the big wooden door was positioned seconds ago.

''This is the Room of Requirement Sam.'' I say as I trace my hands over the wall that's the only thing keeping from following Draco. ''Did he tell you about his task?''

''Bits and pieces.'' he huffs as he leans himself against the wall, tracing his eyes over the ceiling and wall. ''Something about a cabinet. He wasn't too detailed though.''

''This is where he has been spending the majority of his time.'' I walk to one end of the wall and gaze over to Sam. ''You need to walk past it three times and think about what you really need.''

Sams eyes widen at this new information, but he doesn't bother to ask me how I have come to know this. He just looks at me and gives me an approving nod, waiting for me to try.

We need Draco Malfoy. I walk past the wall. We need Draco Malfoy. I walk past the wall for a second time. We need Draco Malfoy. I walk past it for a third and last time. We both wait in suspense for a few seconds, but nothing happens. ''Fuck, I swear this worked last time I tried it.'' I huff as I crouch looking at the high wall.

''He must have asked it to not allow us inside.'' Sam says lowly as his eyes look up to the ceiling again. It looks like he's thinking for a few moments and then he moves to one end of the wall. ''Let me try.''

I nod and move away, looking at Sam slowly walking past the wall three times. A crack and some movement appears after he walks past it the third time and then the huge, wooden door slowly appears out of the wall. I gasp and a feeling of relief overflows my body. ''What did you think about?'' I ask as I join Sam in front of the moving wall, revealing its hidden door again.

''Magic is a bitch for love, Bella.'' he smirks as he turns his head towards me. ''Just remind that in the future.''

''Will I regret telling you about this room?'' I ask him as the door almost appeared fully in front of us. ''Probably.'' he laughs, and then he slowly opens the door.

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