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So, you decided to go shopping with your s/o at a grocery store and you have an encounter with a very rude Karen and later on, she slapped you on the face. Well, let's see how your husbandos will react ;)

Deku: ''Hey Y/n, I got you your favorite orange juice and-'' said Deku but stopped in between just in time to see you get slapped on the face by the Karen. He quickly ran towards you, hugged you and asked the Karen to get lost in the nicest way possible. She refused and he had to use his One for All 1000000 % and WHAT A SURPRISE! It wasn't his bones that broke for once. And let's just say that the manager of that store was VERY scared of you both and from that day onwards, you NEVER went to that store again

Katsuki Bakugou: ''Oi, Y/n what else do you need-'' he asked you and when he saw you getting slapped, well.... let's just say he lost his mind and became as creepy as a yandere. ''Touch. MY. Y/n. EVER. again, you won't live to see another second'' he growled and muttered curses and profanities and THEN, he blew her up with his quirk and comforted you by whispering sweet things in your ear (YES, he isn't THAT heartless). The manager wanted to kick you both out since Katsuki almost burnt the place down but after seeing his death glare, he decided otherwise and yay you, you got to do your shopping for free that day (Most likely the place WILL get burned by the next day. I advise you to calm the angry boom boom boi down)

Todoroki: ''Y/n I cannot find your f/f-'' and then he stopped after seeing you get slapped. Well, you had a nice campfire and a freezer RIGHT in front of you. He first froze the Karen and THEN, he burnt her wrists and threw in a death glare as well. ''Mess with my baby again, I'll rip you from limb to limb, rip your organs out and burn you to ash''. And after that, he comforted you by hugging you and stroking your hair (Don't be surprised if the store is in ashes the next day)

Shinsou: After seeing you get slapped by the Karen, he felt a balloon of rage surge within him and used his quirk and ordered her to slap herself 10 times, insult the manager, and then jump off a cliff. And that's the reason no one messes with you or Shinsou. ''That's what you deserve for messing with MY Kitty cat'' growled Shinsou angrily after he was done

Kirishima: ''Hey pebble, I got the items you wanted and-'' said Kirishima in his cheerful happy tone but when he saw you get slapped, OH BOY.... He looked like the human version of HELL itself. He ''accidentally'' activated his quirk and hit her ''by mistake'' and sent her flying into one of the shelves there. The manager didn't say anything since he was a fan of your manly man and let you shop for free. Yay you :)

Tamaki: Though this boi is shy and stutters like, ALOT, he SURE wasn't shy nor did he stutter when he took care of the Karen for you. After he saw you get slapped, he lost his shy stuttering self and became serious and growled with anger and looked almost as scary as Deku when someone messes with his All Might figurine. He threw the Karen out of the department store with his tentacles, wrapped his tentacles around you and said that you were NEVER going shopping here EVER AGAIN and dragged you out

Denki: This pikachu boi got so livid and angry, he didn't care if he went on dumb mode for a while but it was worth it since he wanted to prove that NO ONE messes with his beautiful buzzy sunshine nugget (aka. you). He shocked her so much that the store experienced a power outage and yes, he even destroyed the generator as well. You didn't want Denki to get arrested or caught so you both fled from the place

Dabi: DEATH. That's IT. And he won't stop JUST there, no dear me no. After he sees you get slapped, he'll burn her to ash in less than a second, and after comforting you, he'll burn the manager as well (Don't ask me why. Maybe he's still in a bad mood) and THEN, he'll burn the ENTIRE place down at night when you're asleep and maybe.... JUST a maybe.... he might even kill the Karen's family. And if someone asks WHY he did that, this is his million dollar answer. ''NO one messes with MY little mouse"

IIda: He'd first ask what all she said to you and then, he'll proceed to give the Karen an hour long lecture and then, ''accidentally'' throws a cereal box at her head, grabs your hand to complain to the manager, makes sure she gets kicked out, and complains about the behavior of the Karen. On the plus side, you at least still go to do your shopping for free :)


 SHIGARAKI: This crusty handy man will turn her to ash on the spot and will turn EVERYONE in the place to ash, INCLUDING the manager and you have to calm him down before he gets caught by the pro heroes. He'll growl and sulk after going back to the LOV base but will NOT let go of you and will under NO CIRCUMSTANCES let you out of his sight. He gets even MORE possessive and more OBSESSED with you. He might even make you stop going out, for the fear of your safety of course

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