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Requested by  @A727388f7 and I hope you enjoy :)

She is really sweet in a sickening way towards you and no doubt she's hella clingy and possessive asf. She might charm you into being in a relationship with her 

She will immediately decide that you both are soulmates when she first sets eyes on you and things just start escalating from there. She's going to create all sorts of crazy wacky fantasies for you both where you're going to be this little darling of hers and is going to live with her and welcome her home from hero work one day and kiss her and do all that cringy shit 

Other than being delusional, she's also manipulative in a way and she's kinda good at making you feel isolated. Someone bothering you? Well, they're going to be avoiding you like the Corona. Someone flirted with you? They won't be talking to you even if their LIFE depends on it and as for Mineta? He knows better than to mess with her 

Nejire's gonna pull an Ayano Aishi on you and when she's close to you, she's going to start squirming here and there and start nervously stuttering and all that. Apart from that, she's also quite good at bringing out an unlimited supply of anime water works from her eyes

Very good at guilt tripping people ngl....

She just really wants her darling to herself and is willing to do anything to get what she wants from them

She isn't afraid and shy to show her emotions towards you ad she'll be courting you EVERY FLIPPING DAMN SECOND of the DAY and flirting with you like there's no tomorrow. She might come of as pushy and clingy to you but you don't have the heart to tell her what you feel since she only has your best interests at her heart. Most of the times, Nejire is good at getting what she wants and rejection is NOT going to go well with her, like AT ALL

She is not a subtle yandere nor is she chill and laid back. She'll be thinking ONLY about you every second of the day and she gets really jealous when other people talk to you. She might appear to be confident and strong but deep down, inside, she's really scared and insecure that you won't like her or something 

Sure Nejire is sweet, but she is also pushy. She doesn't tolerate it if you pick other people over her and YES, that includes even your own FAMILY and your own PET

She'll kidnap you, no doubt and the way she does it is really not that surprising. She might invite you to her dorm for a study session and she'll slip a drug in your favorite drink, hand it to you and as soon as you take a sip, BOOM, you're going to be knocked out. You can BET she had the help of Mirio and Tamaki for this

She'll be heartbroken and confused as to why you weren't liking her. She was giving you whatever you wanted, she made you your favorite food, she cuddles with you so why were you still being grumpy? 

She'll force herself on you for only things like cuddles and hugs and kisses. Nothing more will be done without your consent 

She'll allow you to see Eri and Mirio and Tamaki since she knows you're gonna be bored as hell 

When it comes to punishments, she's going to just ignore you and leave you in isolation till you're BEGGING for her to come back and spoil you with love

Aftercare with her is really super nice. She might make some cakes and while your sipping your favorite drink, you both are gonna be chillaxing on the couch and binge on Netflix 

When she's dealing with rivals, she is gonna make it quick and clean. No evidence, nothing

After you finally admit that you love her, she'll be over the moon with joy. She'll be spoiling you even MORE now in affection and she'll be breathing down your neck constantly 24 FREAKING 7 and she'll even play dress up with you with Eri. She just LOVES it when you try on new clothes, she thinks you look adorable 

I don't think she'll buy you a pet even if you complain that you're bored since she wants to have your attention and focus ONLY on HER and no one else, not even a cat or dog

Any chance of you having your privacy is gone bye bye

"You'll see in time how much I love you my cute little darling~"

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