A Yandere Magne x Asexual Reader oneshot

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Requested by 05thaliagraceisqueen

You were sitting on your bed, reading a book when Magne comes in and she looks at you and smiles and asks, "Having fun there, sweetheart?" and you look up to her and you smile and nod your head 

"Thanks for letting me borrow the book'' you got up and kissed her on the cheek 

She puts her hands around your waist and drags you closer to her, much to your alarm but you didn't say anything since you didn't want to disappoint her. It's not that you didn't like her. She was so nice and kind and caring like a big giant soft teddy bear but.... you didn't want to do 'stuff' with her, or at least, not till when you were ready 

You were squirming in her grip while Magne was wondering what the heck was wrong with you and you started shivering slightly in her grasp

"Babe, are you okay?" she asked, looking concerned. "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine'' you managed to squeak. She kissed your neck and she started going down on you but you managed to wiggle out of her grip and you gasped and said, "Oh, gods.... Magne, I'm sorry" and she was looking at you and though she was surprised, she asked you why you suddenly pulled back from your oh so heated and passionate make out session 

You just sighed and told her that you were Asexual and you had a hard time loving people and you just needed some time to get more... adjusted

Magne, surprisingly, accepted you and said, " Don't worry babe, I'll give you your time'' and she gently kissed your head and she lay down with you on your bed and you two cuddled and went to sleep

Sorry if this was nonsense and trash since I have NO idea what to do for this sort of scenario TvT

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