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Requested by Honique2427

If you were to be kidnapped by the LOV, the league of villains, they would be watching you like creepy stalkers for a VERY LOONG time. It would be really infuriating for them to watch you doing the same boring things over and over again and again for days together. Won't you EVER get bored of living that bland vanilla life? You CLEARLY needed some spice in your life, at least, that's what THEY felt (Read, more like what DABI and TWICE felt. Shigaraki just didn't give a damn about you, that egoistical prick)

But no matter how much Shigaraki claimed that you were a useless spoiled brat, even HE couldn't shake off his feelings for you. Toga and Dabi would often tease him about it which would always result in a full fledged slapping war till mama Kurogiri tells the crybabies to CALM TF down

HECK, even KUROGIRI thinks you won't be so bad... When the other members of the LOV asked him to open up his warp gate and help them kidnap you, he resisted saying that you just needed some time. Even he was curious as to why most of the members of the LOV had suddenly taken an interest in you 

You were the prey, the victim they ALL fell in love with and the fact that they weren't controlling you yet and possessing you yet was pissing them TF off and was driving them INSANE

It won't be long before they kidnap you. You might be skipping along one day, looking like a happy cute adorable little chipmunk that's excited for something and suddenly, BOOM! Everything goes dark and fog and mist surrounds you (Cue the special effects and the dramatic evil chuckling and creepy organ music playing from the middle of nowhere) 

You would be TERRIFIED out of your wits to see Kurogiri just staring at you as well as the other members of the LOV as well (Well, of COURSE, who WOULDN'T be scared of out of their minds when you see villains glaring at you?) This is their chance to PROVE to you that you shouldn't place your faith and waste your breath on those pathetic no good hero scum who are useless most of the times anyway 

You would be gagged for a few days, chained and all. Dabi would have to deal with Toga's constant pestering asking whether she could make you bleed since she thinks you look cute and adorable in red and with blood all over you... Damn, this is scary

Crusty lips would be the MOST SCARIEST yandere, no doubt about that. He'd threaten you the most, show you the LEAST amount of love and affection, and basically, acts like a spoiled kid with the aura of a demon. He might even threaten to turn you to ash if you don't stop flinching away and turning away from him (SOMEONE HAND ME A KNIFE, I HAVE A CRUSTY RAT TO STAB!!!!! UvU)

That arrogant jerkface would LOVE to taunt you, call you all sorts of names and he gets some sick sort of pleasure seeing how HELPLESS you were under HIS control, poor sweet dumb little thing.... He wouldn't actually turn you to ash but seeing the way you squirm around from time to time just makes him feel so... aroused and gets all these crazy thoughts about you that'll be left to YOUR imagination ;)

Is Toga a yandere? BWAHAHAHAHAH XD Is that even a QUESTION to ask? She is the MASTER of all yanderes, and I honestly think she and Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would be best pals and killing buddies. She'd swoon all over you and coo how cute you are in that sickeningly sugar coated voice of hers and say how beautiful you'd look in blood till Dabi pulls her away from you. When it's her turn to spend time with the LOV's 'pet' she's gonna literally POUNCE on you, trying to take your blood, tying you up and making you beg for more (HONESTLY, how TF is she NOT a vampire!!!???) She LOVES being dominant and unfortunately for you, you're her little plaything 

Twice is kinda chill AND DEADLY scary at the same time. I think he has a bipolar personality since one minute he's gonna be laughing with you and the next minute he's gonna do somethin dangerous towards you. This guy's really unpredictable and it's horrifying. You might be running into HIS arms for comfort AND yet, at the same time, you might be running away from him too like your hair's on fire. This dude's personality is so unpredictable, is damn scary.... TvT 

Mr Compress might just be the BEST yandere or captor you could EVER ASK for, PERIODT. He'd treat you well and certainly not like it when the other members try harming you in any way. He would never degrade you either. He'll take you to his room at night and show you all  sorts of cool magic tricks and slow dance with you like in those cutesy dramatic romantic movies. He'd stroke his thumb over your soft lips, caress your cheeks lovingly and say how cute and adorable and amazing you were and how he'd be your source of comfort from those overgrown morons with an IQ of a sardine tin can. He'll LOVE it when you're dependent on him and ONLY him and he would NEVER bring himself to hurt you like the others (Man, this dude is making me cry....)

Dabi couldn't care less at first when he saw you. He thought you were another little plaything for his use and he'd toss you away like a Kleenex after you were broken. And yet, something about you just attracts him to you and that's actually pretty terrifying. If Dabi's in a bad mood, you better start saying your freaking prayers since this man takes sadism to a WHOLE NOTHER level, it's a question now, who's more of a sadist. Dabi or Shigaraki? If he's in a good mood, he'll just ask you to shut up and cuddle with you and rub some gentle circles on your back

To piss Crusty Face Handyman even MORE, he'll make you sit on his lap during meetings while Shigaraki's gonna be damn pissed at BOTH you and HIM and that'll jus t make the prick Dabi satisfied. Sometimes, he won't be so bad to you, otherwise he's gonna make you do all sorts of things you're uncomfortable with and he's gonna be like your WORST NIGHTMARE in HUMAN form. He and Shigaraki might even TAG TEAM when it comes to your punishments and they CERTAINLY WON'T be your favorite yanderes, that's for SURE

Oh JESUS... when it comes to Spinner he's like the MOST SOFTEST yandere EVER just like Mr. Compress. He LOVES showering you with love and affection, and he's just so pure, he can't EVER hurt you... OMG, MY HEART!!!!!....

He CERTAINLY feels bad with Compress when the league uses you as their personal stress toy and hence, they're the ones who'll actually take care of you and treat you with such gentle care and tender love. He'll be one who'll actually make you happy, by sneaking food for you when the league tries to starve you since you were being bad, talk to you about the things you like and care about, won't EVER touch you inappropriately since he DROWNS in his respect women juice and feels really bad since he can't help you escape. This boi is so PRECIOUS, IMMA DIE FROM A CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!

Kurogiri will be like the parental figure and whenever the punishments get out of hand like the villains trying to touch you inappropriately and all, he'll be there to stop in no time. Though he's a villain, he cares for you just like Compress and Spinner. He won't hesitate to punish you, but his punishments will just be a bit tamer than the ones the others give. His punishments will be something like him just ignoring you for a few hours and all that. He'll make sure to take good and proper care of you and feed you and on time and ensure you aren't malnourished. He'll talk to you about the current things going on around the world and honestly... he ain't so bad

In my opinion, Stain is a chivalrous guy. He won't torture you, EVER nor will he ever invade your personal space. He thinks you're cute and adorable and he'll compliment you oh just a DOZEN times a day. Like Kurogiri, he ensures you're safe and all right and after a harsh treatment with the Terrifying Trio (aka. Stabby blood rat, crusty chicken nugget and BURNT chicken nugget) he'll be there to comfort you and wipe your tears away and gently hold you to sleep after he tends to your injuries. If you're locked away somewhere, he'll at the very least try sneaking some food for you and telling you that you're strong and you'll be able to cope with it and gently encourage you

That's it for the yandere LOV thing and lemme know if I should do a yandere All for one too. Just the thought of All for one as a yandere is kinda weird and scares the shit outta me at the same time TvT

Still open for requests and peace out, hope y'all are havin' a good day :)

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