A Yandere Magne x Reader oneshot

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Requested by @05thaliagraceisqueen

You were feeling bored and lonely because Magne and the rest of the LOV went to screw some heroes up and they won't be back for a long time 

As the time went ticking by, you started wondering when they'd be back. Though they were villains, they weren't that bad to you. And even if Magne kidnapped you claiming that she loved you and that's why she took you, she treated you like a goddess/ god 

You resented that blue haired whining brat Shigaraki since it was HIS fault that Magne was now away from you. You missed her touch, her sweet and honey filled words that soothed and calmed you down when you were feeling down, her gentle hair strokes and her slight little butterfly kisses which used to travel from your cheeks to your neck 

As you were wistfully sighing and wishing that Magne would come back, the villains finally came back home and you were thrilled 

Magne promised to cuddle with you after she changed her clothes but Shigaraki asked her to round everyone else up for some emergency LOV meeting and when you shot her the sad and hurt puppy eyes that looked like a puppy had been kicked, Magne felt a stab of guilt and pain rise in her chest and she gently kissed your head and patted it and said, "Honey, I'm sorry, I'll be back for cuddle sessions later, I promise'' and she went to the bar for the meeting 

The next 2 hours were pretty frustrating and painful, not to mention boring as hell for you since Shigaraki kept calling Magne for doing things and your patience levels were wearing thin. You weren't the most patient person on the block and within an hour and a half, you snapped 

You banged your hand on the table, walked up to Shigaraki and Magne and the other villains including Magne looked you in surprise and you hissed at Shigaraki "Magne is MINE you chapstick reject, now I want cuddles from her and I WIL get them. Go find someone else to be your guinea pig'' and you dragged Magne away from the place 

Magne sensed that you were angry with her and you just huffed and turned away from her when she asked you if you were all right 

"No I'm NOT okay! You were ignoring me the whole day and you didn't have time for me and now... when I see you spend your time with that crustyface Shigaraki, it's making me... boil in anger, and I don't know why. Do you not want to spend time with me anymore since you don't love me?" you asked her slowly while tears were slowly starting to form in your eyes 

Magne was shocked that you'd even think something like that. She cupped your face gently and kissed you on the lips and said, "Darling, I'm sorry I was just busy and of course I still love you. I've always loved you and I'll keep loving you no matter what. I would choose you over Shigaraki any day" and she hugged you, carried you like a baby and set you on the bed and cuddled with you on the bed 

You just nuzzled into her chest and she blushed but she stroked your hair and patted your head gently 

"I will always love you no matter what sweetheart~" she whispered when you fell asleep and kissed you as you sunk into a world of dreamless slumber

Lol sorry if this was nonsense

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