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Requested by @Maxter_Mind, hope you enjoy :) And I'm really sorry and apologize in advance if this is trash since I've had a REALLY HELLA hard time imagining this candy cane as a neko, but Imma give it a shot here so.... yeah, let's get on with it......

If you thought Todoroki as a yandere was clingy and delusional and crazy and nutty before, it's a 10000000000 times more now and he's as nutty as a Reese's peanut butter cup since he's like HELLA obsessed with you 

Will literally CLING onto you when you're trying to do something 

You found him lost, all alone, mewing and mewling for help, and feeling sad with his ears and tail down and he had a really big mark on his face. You felt really sorry for the poor guy and luckily since you were a cat person, you decided to adopt him

He has SEVERE and IMMENSE trust issues. It took him quite a while for him to trust you since he was used to people called him an ugly monster and stoning him all the time but, when he saw you, he didn't want to believe that you could be a bad person. His theory was later on proven wrong when you bathed him and dried him up and gave him something to eat and cuddled with him everyday 

From that day on, he literally fell in love with you and saw you as his goddess, his savior, his angel and he was really grateful for you not hating him

He NEVER wants to leave you and he gets horrible nightmares of all sorts like you dropping him off to a local pet shelter. And when he gets these nightmares, he's going to start meowing really loudly and behave like he's crying so you can cuddle him and comfort him and cheer him up

He absolutely LOVES and LIVES for your hugs and your belly scratches. Your touch is literally like heaven for him and will not give a damn what you are doing at that time if he wants them. When he wants tickles and hugs from you, he will not rest till he gets them

He is HELLA overprotective of you and he will make a fuss if he does not go anywhere without you. What if you get hurt? You're his angel and he can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. He needs to save you from the bad things of the world 

Does not like it when you talk to your friends. If they're girls, he won't bother but if you're talking to guys, he will know and expect your phone to be covered in cat slime or the phone wires chewed and clawed or something scratched to bits. Not to mention his hissy little fits and tantrums as well. You bought a guy over to your place to work on a project once and that was the first and the last time someone was over to your house since your pet kitten Shoto decided it would be amusing to claw off your friend's face. Of course, when you gave him a time out, he was miserable and he pulled on the 'How could you do this to me' look on you and not even 10 seconds later you were on your bed cuddling him while he was busy nuzzling his cute but devious little head into your neck and purring and meowing contently

He is your little protector, your guide, your bodyguard and your best friend and pretty soon, he'll also be your husbando with white and red cat ears and a candy cane kitty tail (Lol, the idea of Shoto being a cat is seriously HILARIOUS XD)

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