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God damn, All for one as a yandere literally SCARES me to death. Even TOGA and DABI and SHIGGY as yanderes don't scare me as yanderes as much as THIS dude TvT

He is literally the MOST POSSESSIVE person on this PLANET, even MORE possessive than a certain ash blonde hedgehog on crack XD 

He'll want you because of your quirk, that's IT. PERIODT. He MAY fall in love with you AFTER he kidnaps you but he will take you if he feels that your quirk is interesting. Won't hesitate to do some 'research' about you, finding more about your day to day activities

He ain't the type of yandere to stalk you. He'll have his little pets at the LOV do that FOR him. Or if he's feeling really impatient, he's just gonna kidnap you directly in broad daylight without any regard of the pro heroes, civilians and HECK, even your OWN family 

You'll probably wake up in a really nice and comfy bedroom which is also a luxurious one since this dude practically ROBS banks and all that. But beware, the door and the room is HEAVILY guarded and don't think for a MINUTE that he ain't watching ya pal. His eyes are EVERYWHERE

This dude will of course expect SOMETHING from you and couldn't give a damn if you adjusted to your environment or not. When he wants you to do something, he WILL make you do it whether you like it and feel comfortable with it or not

He'll really like it if you fall for him but remember, he isn't like the other yanderes. All he wants to do is just OWN and possess you since you're HIS property. BONUS if you ACTUALLY like him back tho

As much of a sadistic prick he is, he really LOVES spooling TF outta you. So long as you behave, he'll give you whatever you ask for. The most elegant and overflowing dresses, comfy clothing, the most sparkling jewels, the most delicious food etc. etc. He doesn't really care if you like that stuff or not, after all your master always knows what's best for his little pet 

You'll get along really well with Shigaraki and he'll look at you like the mother figure he never used to have. Actually, expect ALL the members of the LOV to be protective of you since you're All for One's darling. Congratulations, you have an ENTIRE LEAGUE who turned into crazy yanderes for you, job well done :)

AFO will make you sit on his lap during meetings but every now and then, he'll kiss your neck and litter it with hickeys and if anyone DARES to say anything about the 2 of you.... well..... he's just going to cut their tongues off and torture them in the BEST way possible which btw, will go on and on for hours altogether

Escape from AFO!? BWAHAAHAHHAHAHHAHH XD Well..... maybe when pigs grow wings and start to fly. Meaning, IMPOSSIBLE. This man cannot be escaped from. He has a DAMN good security system and he'll know each and every move you try to make and he can easily read your mind and thoughts like an open book. If you think you're 2 steps ahead of him, he's always 10 steps ahead of you 

"You are MY property and anyone else who tries to take you away from me will perish....~"

MY HERO ACADEMIA ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now