You're mine, A yandere Todoroki vs yandere Momo

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Yo guys, sorry I couldn't find any better picture for a yandere Momo vs yandere Todoroki so... that's what I came up with and anyways, this is requested by @MewsTv and I hope you enjoy this wonderful piece of trash TvT

You were a new student at the UA and when you entered the class, all eyes were on you and you felt nervous. People were gawking and staring at you, seeing your beautiful innocent features and your nervous smile yet excited smile shining across your face as you stood there, looking at everyone in the classroom

"Introduce yourself'' said Aizawa in a bored tone and you did. "Hi, my name is Y/N L/N and I'm new here and... I hope we can all get along and become good friends. So, uhm... do you have any questions?'' you stammered nervously. You then saw a green haired boy raise his hand and when he introduced himself to you, he asked you what your quirk was. You told him that your quirk was Celestial Archery meaning that you could summon a bow whenever you wanted to and create arrows and shoot them at your opponent

While the others were admiring you, you caught 2 people staring at you but they didn't say anything. You waved and smiled at the guy with red and white hair and at the raven haired girl with a ponytail as they blushed at you immensely and avoided eye contact with you

After you turned your gaze from them and began to chat with Mina and the rest of the other people, Todoroki's and Momo's eyes were narrowed at you dangerously. Both of them were thinking the same thing: They belong to ME

You waving and smiling at them however was a mistake though because both of them realized that they had fallen for you. Their blood BOILED with rage when you were talking with other people but what made them even MORE furious was that you had waved to BOTH of them

Momo's POV:

The new student certainly is a beauty... but why did they wave at Todoroki when they are DESTINED to me MINE?! Well, they just don't know it yet but no matter. I'm not going to let someone like HIM steal them away from me. I didn't really get why I got a sudden feeling of rage when Todoroki set eyes on their body. No matter, they'll be mine soon enough....

Todoroki's POV: 

I can tell the new student is certainly SOMETHING. They look really interesting. But how DARE they wave at Yaoyorozu when they should CLEARLY be MINE! I can CERTAINLY treat them like the god/ goddess they DESERVE to be treated. I just KNEW from looking into their eyes that we're destined to be soulmates and I don't give a DAMN if anyone comes in the way of me and my angel. Anyone who does must PAY with their lives, even that sorry prick of a father of mine....

You were invited to Momo's house for a sleepover after a few days and you were excited. You always hung out with Todoroki and Momo and they seemed really nice and kind to you. You thought they were really good friends but you didn't realize the boiling hatred and rivalry between them for your love and attention

"So Y/N san I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the new restaurant that opened around here recently'' asked Todoroki. "I would love to Todoroki but I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer since I'm heading to Momo's for a sleepover after school'' you said and you apologized

Todoroki didn't blame you though. He blamed that vicious she vulture for snatching you away from him and when you turned your gaze away from and focused on the lesson, Todoroki shot Momo a venomous glare as Momo shot him a smug look

After your class it was lunch time and you were waiting outside the classroom for your friends and they asked you to go on ahead without them and you agreed. Once you were gone, Todoroki glared at Momo and hissed, "Whatever you're attempting with L/N san is not going to work at ALL. They're MINE and I won't hesitate to KILL ANYONE who comes in my way'' while glaring daggers at her

"Oh please Todoroki. I can treat them MUCH better than you and besides, they would CERTAINLY choose ME over YOU any day. And you're not the only one who can threaten people Todoroki. Don't take me for one of your scared mindless puppet. Y/N WILL become MINE very soon and I don't even have to lift a finger for it'' 

They had a staring contest for a while and when they saw Present Mic coming down the halls, they decided to join you for lunch. As they sat on either side of you, you were happily chatting with both of them, unaware of the tension between them 

"You're MINE...'' they both thought in unison before the bell rang for your next class

Hey guys, I'm really sorry if this was trash, my stupid brain is having trouble coming up with ideas here since I have writer's block and it's the WORST TnT !!! Not only that, I even have my computers exam tomorrow and I'm losing my shit here, but I'm still happy to do your requests :) 

Peace out

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