We'll keep you safe yandere Bakudeku x reader

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Damn... the pic is making me simp for these guys even MORE TvT HELPPP!!!!!!!

You were a childhood friend of Izuku's and Bakugou's. You entered the UA along with Bakugou and Deku and little did you know, both of these bone breakers had a crush on you

''Stay the HELL AWAY from Y/N, they're MINE!!!'' growled Bakugou

"Stop it Kaachan, don't act like you OWN her or something. And anyways, she's is certainly going to pick ME over you any day'' drawled Deku

''YOU LITTLE-'' said Bakugou and was about to punch Deku in the face when you suddenly appeared. ''Hey guys, shall we get going to that cafe you both wanted to go to?" you chirped and looked at them with your angelic eyes. You were going with Bakugou and Midoriya to the new cafe that opened up recently round the block to hang out

'so cute'  they both thought and while they were walking you kept looking at your surroundings admiring the view and the beauty around you

''Oi damn nerd, come on fast or imma leave you here'' said Bakugou. Deku just scowled at him and was about to say something but you playfully giggled and shoved him and said, ''last one there's a rotten egg'' and you started running. "OIIIII, GET BACK HERE!'' yelled Bakugou as Deku was trying to catch up to you both. ''Guys, wait up.... Y/N chan be careful!"

You 3 soon reached the cafe and Deku looked at you sternly and said, ''Don't go running off like that, what if something happened to you?'' and put a palm on your cheek. Bakugou just death glared him as you said, ''Oh I'll be fine and anyways. come on, let's go in now'' and you entered the cafe

You sat down at a table and when you did,  a waiter came towards you 3 to take your orders. You swore the waiter looked familiar to you and when you asked him his name, he told you his name was Hikaru Takahashi and then you realized that he was one of your friends from elementary school. You were in a different elementary school from Deku and Bakugou when you were kids. Btw, Hikaru looks like THIS:

"Omg, Hikaru, is that YOU!? Wow, it's been so long

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"Omg, Hikaru, is that YOU!? Wow, it's been so long. When did you start working at the cafe?'' you asked him and hugged him as he hugged you back. Deku and Bakugou were just shooting daggers at his skull and your friend replied, ''Well over a year or so. So, how are things with you?'' "Oh, just fine and by the way, meet some of my friends, their names are katuski Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya'' you introduced them to him and he nodded at them while they just didn't say anything and looked on at him with blank expressions on their faces

You could understand why Bakugou was like that. He was an egoistical piece of shit. A hot headed one too, but Deku? Deku was known for behaving hyperactive when it came to new people and he'd really like to interact with other people most of the time but today he was silent.... 

You didn't think much of it and placed your order of your favorite drink and they did the same

''So... Y/N chan, who was that guy?'' asked Deku after moments of silence. "Yeah, who TF was that shitty extra?'' growled Bakugou. "Calm down... he's just my friend from elementary school. Why?'' you asked. ''I don't like him'' said Bakugou abruptly and Midoriya was just silent. You frowned but didn't say anything and decided to change the topic to books or heroes

You were about to pay for the bill when Deku and Bakugou paid for you despite your protest. When you 3 were about to leave, Hikaru grabbed you arm and said, ''hey uhh... Y/N, is it all right if I could have a word with you?'' 

''sure'' you smiled at him and asked Deku and Bakugou to leave without you. It might have looked that way but instead they decided to eavesdrop on your conversation with Hikaru. ''Won't Y/N chan hate us? We're violating her privacy'' whined Deku. "Shut up deku, for all we know, that EXTRA could be doing something to my precious teddy bear!'' growled Bakugou. They started bickering back and forth and finally, they decided to share you and after a few seconds, you emerged from the shop, looking flushed and red 

"What happened?'' demanded Midoriya. ''I'll tell you guys once we get back to kaachan's house'' you said and they agreed. When you guys reached his house, "So... what happened back there?'' asked Bakugou as you put your coat on his couch and squealed excitedly, ''I got myself a date, how cool is that?'' and you smiled

You expected them to be happy for you. What you didn't expect was alot of anime waterworks from deku and getting shouted at by a hot headed loud and explosive angry blonde pomeranian with anger issues

''How DARE he ask you out, you belong to US!'' yelled Bakugou as Deku asked him to calm down and said, ''It's okay, Y/N chan is just a bit... confused, that's all. Now, just stay calm and be a good little puppy for us darling and don't make a sound'' and the last thing you saw was Deku pulling a piece of cloth from his pocket and bakugou conking you over the head with something

"We should have waited for some more time. I feel bad for drugging puppy like that'' said Deku. "Meh, she'll learn to love us eventually, Teddy bear doesn't have a choice or a say in this'' said Bakugou

"We'll keep you safe'' whispered Deku in a hushed tone and stroked the hair from your face and from then on, your life would NEVER be the same again...

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