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Izuku: He is a cuddle bug and will hug you to death. Will make you your favourite food. If someone made you cry he will Detroit smash them into oblivion. VERY PROTECTIVE. He will listen to you rant and act as your personal therapist. His mom will be worried out of her mind about you. LOTS of hugs and cuddles :) And his mom will ask you how you're feeling. 

Bakugou: At first, he is confused and worried. He will drop his tough guy act the SECOND you are sad or upset about something. If it's someone who made you cry, they will most likely be missing by less than 24 hours (lol, sounds like a yandere. Btw, I'm thinking of doing a yandere scenarios thing in this book as well. What do you guys think?) and if it's an object that made you cry, well..... you'll have some ash to clean up later. If it's something that he can't do he will just hold you and cling on to you like a koala bear. (A REALLY angry koala bear)

Todoroki: He will act as your personal therapist like Izuku and will steal EndaTRASH's credit card and SPOIL the HELL out of you with whatever you want. He will hold you till you're feeling better. Will let you play with his hair and will take you out for a fancy dinner after you've calmed down. Will ensure you are OK and all right. And oh, don't forget, he WILL give you kisses, hugs AND cuddles 

Shinsou: He acts like a calm and collected person outside but inside, oh boy, there's a STORM going on. He is LITERALLY on the verge of killing someone. If you don't tell him why you're crying, he WILL FORCE it out of you by his quirk and YES, that makes him feel bad since he doesn't like using his quirk on you. He will cuddle with you and lets you play with his kittens and snuggles the HECK outta you

Kirishima: This baby shark absolutely HATES seeing you sad or upset! It breaks his manly heart! So, he will snuggle you and shower you with ALL the affection in the world like as if, you're the LAST thing in the world. Will gently rub your back and pat your head and will see movies with you all cuddled and swaddled up in blankets. He tries making you laugh and gets you a TON of chocolate. 

Tamaki: Freaks. Out. Like. HELL. This cute little adorable bean hates seeing you sad and it makes him sad too :(  He will try hugging you and if that doesn't work, he will curl up into a ball and start freaking out and ends up in YOU having to comfort him. (Poor baby). Will let you play with his elf ears and his hair.( But will probably be a red faced tomato after that). After snuggling, you both feel better

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