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Requested by Kamiko_1234

You found a little stray purple kitten following you when you were coming back from the local library. You turned around to see it and you smiled and asked, "Aww... little bud, you're so cute'' and you picked him up and he licked our face. After closer inspection, you saw that one of his paws had a glass piece in it and you said, "Oh, poor thing'' and you quickly rushed back to your house and cleaned his paw with some antiseptic solution. You decided to name him Shinsou and he was thrilled with his name and started licking you all over after you gave him a nice clean bath and some warm milk for him to drink

From that very moment on, Shinsou looked at you like you were his goddess. He was SO CONFUSED ASF since you were being so nice to him and not calling him a monster or ugly and basically making him feel insecure. You had cared for HIM, and treated his wound and after the deed was done, he knew he had to repay you back somehow 

Luckily, you were a cat person and you decided to keep him with you and when Shinsou realized this, he knew he had nothing to fear since he'd always be with you no matter what. From then on, he decided to protect you at all costs 

Whenever you'd bring a friend over, be it a guy or a girl, he'd hiss and snarl and try scratching their face off to bits till you have to shut him in a bedroom with the door locked and after they're gone you'd give him an earful till he'd pull the 'Innocent little kitten eyes' at you and you'd sigh and just cuddle with him saying how you couldn't stay mad at that little fluffball for too long and he was lucky he was cute. Of course, that sneaky little neko would be HELLA smug about it and lick you and nuzzle against you pretending that he was sorry too but in reality, he literally HATED and DESPISED the thought of you spending time with other people

He KNOWS the horrors of the world and he wants to make sure you're safe. But how the HECK is he going to keep you safe if you keep going out? So, that's why whenever you go out, he'll whine and cry and hiss till you take him with you. He SIMPLY CANNOT spend a SECOND without you

Will become playful after a period of time. His favorite pastime of his is when you give him belly rubs and tickles and scratch his ears. It makes him feel like he's in heaven with you and in pure bliss

Will NEVER tolerate it if someone attacks you. Once, your crazy ex best friend decided to show up to your doorstep telling you how you're such an attention hog and when she slapped you on the face, Shinsou literally went FERAL and started hissing and snarling and bit that gargoyle like, 10 times. He is an overprotective kitten and acts like your personal bodyguard

Sometimes he wishes he's an ACTUAL human being so he can act like your protector and you don't have to go out anymore and one day, BOOM, he suddenly turned into a human. If he was clingy and possessive of you before, it's NOTHING, not even a GRAIN of salt compared to WHAT he is NOW

Does NOT care WHAT he has to do to get you to be with him and ONLY him, even if it means killing all your friends and family as well. If you're sad that he killed your family, don't worry, he'll give you a new one by making you pregnant with HIS little kittens

He won't treat you like a pet though. He'll treat you like his proper lover and he'll cook for you and basically acts like your husband. But with purple ears and a fluffy purple tail

You WILL learn to love him even if he has to literally chain you to your bed

He still likes getting belly rubs and tickles from you and ear scratches as well. And also cuddles, he LIVES for cuddles

If you reject him be ready for cleaning up all the cotton from your pillows since he will make it look like there was a snow storm in the house and not to mention his hissy little fits or cute cat eyes that make you feel sorry for him and trying to guilt trip you and manipulate you. Sneaky little cat and he thinks it's a PURR-FECT way to love him

Loves the color PURR-ple

Will literally jump on top of you or cling on to you and whine and mewl and meow till you're focused ONLY on him and give him all the love and attention he needs. And that makes it SERIOUSLY distracting ASF when you're trying to read a book no doubt

Best to submit to him instead of resisting him for too long unless you want scratches all over your face

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