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Today was your birthday and of course, the ever chaotic class 1A decided to plan a surprise party for you. By now, the ENTIRE class had grown fond of you, including Bakugou and Todoroki. They asked the teachers to distract you so they could plan a party for you in the class 

''Sensei, would you please distract Y/N chan since we're planning to throw a surprise party for her'' asked Uraraka. Aizawa, the yellow sleeping bag caterpillar sighed and said, ''Ugh, fine. If it will make you little brats shut up, then fine. But I'm going to need Mic's help too'' ''Guys.... Y/N chan is coming, quick hide the decorations!'' yelled Momo and everyone threw the decorations down under their benches and pretended that everything was fine 

''Good morning everyone!'' you chirped in your melodious sing-song voice that made many hearts skip a beat and a few of the guys had red faces. Aizawa cleared his throat and said, ''L/N chan, I'm going to need your help in sorting our some papers in the staff room. Present Mic will be there shortly'' as you nodded and placed your bag at your place and went to the staff room. Aizawa followed suit (In his sleeping bag of course XD) 

''Whew, thank gods...'' muttered Kirishima. ''We're going to make this the BEST surprise ever WOO-HOO!'' yelled Denki. ''Shut it, you wallmart wannabe pikachu Dunce face!'' shouted Bakugou. ''Need I remind you all that we are getting deviated from planning a party for our fellow classmate Y/N san'' said Iida sternly and did that weird hand chopping thing in the air 

''Mineta, if you try ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to Y/N chan, I will use my earphone jacks in a place you DON'T WANT it to be, understood?'' threatened Jirou as all the classmates turned to face Mineta. "I will float you to the moon if you do something to Y/N got that?'' snarled Uraraka as Mineta gulped and nodded nervously. Wow, you have a protection squad in this class. Good friends 

Pretty soon, the decorations were set up. Of course, Aoyama occasionally went around throwing glitter and sparkles everywhere. ''I hope L/N chan likes it'' mumbled our favourite green bean Deku. ''Me too'' added Shoji. 

Pretty soo, you were on your way back and everyone hid in their places and turned off the lights. You switched the lights on and you were greeted by a LOUD wave of noise which was, ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N CHAN!!!" Of course, Aizawa almost had a heart attack (poor dude XD). You thanked your friends and you were surprised Mineta didn't try anything with you. 

''Oh, he's just tired that's all'' said Tokoyami calmly. ''Speaking of Mineta, where the heck is he?'' you asked. ''Oh, I think he's in the dorms'' said Sero grinning. He WAS in the dorms. Taped to the ceiling that is, courtesy of Sero. 

You thanked everyone for the party and you knew that these people would be there for you whenever you needed them. They were like your family and they would always ensure you would be safe and they cared for you because you were the class baby.


Lol, I know it's lame but my hand feels so damn numb rn :(

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