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This is requested by @MewsTv and I hope you enjoy :) UvU

They were already dating by the time they met you. They though you were like everyone else, just a regular classmate of theirs, however, they had no idea how WRONG they were 

To be precise, you were actually kinda hard to ignore, the way your eyes lit and sparkled when people talked about your favorite thing, the way your dazzling smile could make a person see stars, the way your innocence shone through and the determination you always had to help people out no matter what was what attracted them to you. How could you expect BOTH of them NOT to fall INSANELY in love with you?

However, they were scared and nervous to ask you out since they thought that you might find them weird and creepy and so, they kept themselves satisfied by stalking you or 'keeping a close eye on you so nothing bad happens to you' and admired you from far 

As much as they find your will and iron determination too cute and adorable, they just PRAY and hope that you won't want to become a pro hero in the future since they're really worried about you getting hurt. One time, you had a really nasty gash on your arm after a villain attack and after that, Momo started sniffling and crying saying how she'd be devastated if something bad happened to you while Todoroki looked like he was going to someone's funeral. Let's just say that if they weren't clingy then, they MOST CERTAINLY WILL BE now 

They know their feelings are crazy, but they're so madly in love with you they can't ignore them. So if you find a mysterious love letter in your locker or small gifts for you here and there, that's no doubt Todoroki and Momo since they're rich kids and all, they just LOVE showing you how much they love you by yeeting presents in your locker (Anonymously, of course)

On a scale on 1-10, to you, they'll just be a solid 2 or 2.5 since you're their divine angel sent from the heavens itself for them to WORSHIP!! They have a GOD DAMN WAREHOUSE filled with all your favorite stuff and before you ask how the hell they managed to pull THAT off, as stated before, they're rich kids and so they have all the required resources and necessities for you to be satisfied 

They will get INSANELY jealous and be fuming with rage, envy and jealousy when they see you talking or laughing or smiling at someone else. They have the emotional range of a GALAXY when it comes to you. How DARE that filthy annoying pesky scumbag be right NEXT to you!? Oh gods.... he was TOUCHING you!! He PATTED your SHOULDER!!! Well, this is gonna drive 'em insane over the edge and they'll be plotting murder, that's for sure. Satan spawns 

When you get kidnapped, they'll understand how you feel and they'll be sympathetic. They might kidnap you if they think you're not capable of taking care of yourself and with proper planning, they're gonna keep you under their care. You guys in a mood for surprises? Well, you're gonna get a HUGE one now.....

Endeavour will find out about the obsession his youngest son and his girlfriend have for you and he's gonna actually ENCOURAGE IT, believe it or not (ENDATRASHHHHH I'm coming for ya) and GET THIS!!!: HE'S gonna be the one who's going to make sure you have everything you want and he'll install high tech level security systems around the place you guys are at 

Momo will worship TF outta you. She dresses you up in all sorts of fancy clothing, makes you eat overly rich food till you're gonna be BEGGING her to stop but she insists on treating you like royalty. Every touch is gonna feel like paradise and heaven for her. And she just wants to take good care of her darling little angel, and provide you with comfort and the BEST of the BEST!

Shoto's intentions towards you can be a bit....unpredictable. Momo might be a gullible yandere, ask for something, you get it. Shoto on the other tends to keep a close eye on you, suspicious whether you would be upto something and always makes sure to see what you're doing. His calculating look analyzes your every move before you can even act upon them

When it comes to punishments, Shoto ain't gonna take it easy on you. He wants to freeze and burn you mildly of course as a reminder that you belong ONLY to THEM and no one else but Momo will intervene and stop him and calm him down. At the very least, your punishment might be having your favorite things taken away from you but they just can't hurt you at all. They DON'T WANT to. Momo will NEVER EVER let Todoroki lay a hand on you and treat you wrong though it might take a while to gain back both of their trust

Aftercare with them is like paradise. They'll smother you with lots of love and treat you like a newfound puppy and take care of you like you're glass

When it comes to dealing with rivals and other enemies who want to steal you away from them , your 'protectors', they are a SOLID 100000000/10 and that people is a FACT! Seriously, whoever tries anything with you is just BEGGING them for a death wish and since they're pro heroes, they're gonna make their death look like some sort of accident after they're done torturing them. Lol, they make Sangwoo and Hitler look like Barney the Dinosaur when it comes to murder 

They're manipulative, controlling and possessive of you. Will constantly bicker as to where to take you out on dates after you finally develop Stockholm Syndrome

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