A Yandere Big sis Magne oneshot

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Requested by @05thaliagraceisqueen, hope you enjoy :)

You were busy minding your own business, tending to customers in your little cafe, fulfilling their orders. But there was always ONE person who caught your eye, her name was Magne. She didn't tell you that she was a villain while you both would talk since she didn't want you to be scared of her, but you both were really good friends. Or so you thought, if you knew what was going on in her head 

Magne saw you MUCH MUCH more than JUST a friend. She wanted you to be her lover, her darling, her angel etc.etc. She wanted to treat you like the princess that you were so you won't ever have to work again and interact with all the other people who were LITERAL definitions of garbage and trash. Magne's blood would always BOIL in anger and rage when she caught some pervert or creep trying to flirt with you or make you uncomfortable, but luckily, she was there to help you. How would she help you? By dragging the guy off of you, saying they need to have a little 'chat' outside and that person was never heard or seen from again. Why? Cuz he dead 

But today, however, she was just watching you from far, along with Toga, Dabi and Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Some of the villains were really disgruntled to watch you get on with your boring vanilla life, like Dabi and Shiggy but Magne made them shut up nonetheless 

"Remind me WHY TF we're here to see some little brat going around here and there?'' Shigaraki grumbled under his breath. "If you say ANYTHING wrong about my precious princess I SWEAR I will KILL you. And THIS is what you get for insulting her!" Magne snarled and whacked the back of his head while Dabi and Toga were just giggling like pre schoolers to themselves. "Should we take her now or should we wait till it's night time and she's fallen asleep?" asked Kurogiri 

"Well... we better wait till nigh time since there are so many people here'' said Magne. "Ngl she DOES look kinda cute'' Dabi smirked. Magne just glared at him and said, ''Yeah well, she ain't gonna fall for a burnt chicken nugget like you so don't waste your breath'' "TF you just say!?" snarled Dabi

They were bickering among themselves while Shigaraki was just contemplating his life choices while Kurogiri was wishing that he was never born and Toga was imagining how beautiful and cute you'd look covered with blood

(Time skip and fast forward to when you're shift's done and it's night time since I'm lazy as hell)

The villains saw you exit the shop and followed you all the way home. After they saw you enter your house and collapse on your bed since you were exhausted, they were thrilled. As much as Magne regretted taking you in your sleep, she just couldn't wait to make you hers sooner rather than later

So, the villains broke an entry into your house, Magne pressed a wet chloroform rag to your face but you didn't realize it since you were a deep and heavy sleeper and Kurogiri opened up his warp portal thing and brought you to the LOV hideout 

When you woke up, you saw a quirk cancelling cuff around your ankle and  Magne sitting on the side of your bed and yeah, initially you were kinda surprised and before you could say something, Magne spoke up saying, "Y/N, I really love you like ALOT and... I'm sorry I kidnapped you but it's the only way I can keep you safe from the outside world'' 

You just blinked, shrugged your shoulders and said, "meh, it's cool and besides, I like you too. I was just wanting to see when YOU would admit it to me'' "Wait... so you knew that I liked you!?" she gasped. You just giggled and bopped her nose and she hugged you as Magne realized that maybe this wasn't so bad that you being so chill. She'd always treat you well and from then on, she promised to protect you with her life


Shigaraki: WTF are they even DOING in there? And what's with all that irritating noise that sounds like a piglet squealing?

Dabi: It's laughter you crusty MF, you know... when people are HAPPY? But of course, YOU wouldn't know a damn thing about it since you're the crusty handyman who hasn't even heard of something called Vaseline 

Shigaraki: Shut TF UP you burnt chicken nugget

Dabi: Crusty MF

Toga: I think Y/N chan would look REALLY good in blood, don't you agree?

Shigaraki: Be quiet blood rat

Kurogiri: *Sighs and done with life at this point*  Why am I babysitting these kids?

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