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Requested by MewsTv

Deku: Poor bby boi will literally be out of his mind with worry after he comes to know you've been kidnapped by the LOV. He'll keep blaming himself and he'll be a miserable moping mess, and his heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces since he couldn't save you. Just thinking about WHAT you're facing with those villainous scumbags makes him so.... miserable but don't worry, he WILL save you no matter what. He will NOT go to ANYONE, not even ALL MIGHT for saving and rescuing you since now is the PERFECT time and opportunity to prove that he's your savior, your knight in shining armor, your prince charming. And once he saves you, you'll be with HIM and ONLY him and so, now a determined Izuku, with his heart being forged like a sharp blade after it's been melted by fire and formed by ice, will come to save you no matter what..... He IS your future boyfriend and husband after all and he'll be DAMNED if anything happens to you and lets just say that he will lowkey NOT hesitate to KILL and murder the villains for kidnaping you and when it comes to breaking his bones, it's worth it for you

After he saves you, he will be clinging onto you wherever you go and will follow you around like a lost puppy. He will also stalk the hell out of you 'for your safety' of course and expect to be kidnapped again by him in less than 2 months since the outside world is just too dangerous for his darling little puppy. He ONLY wants to keep his precious sweet doll safe and chef kiss your hero career bye bye since he will NOT have you become a hero on his watch if he can help it and YES, he CAN help it 

Bakugou: Oh boy.... I pity each and every single person who's within 5 miles of radius from this guys since this dude will be the literal incarnation of HELL itself and not to mention, he will make Satan look like a character from My Little Pony because he will try blowing up the school in rage and anger. He'll be cursing himself and will be beating himself up for not being able to save you from those god damn shitty villains while the Bakusquad tries calming him TF down. He might also let some tears loose as well. When he makes up his mind to save you from those shitty villains, like Deku, he will NOT bother telling anyone and he sees this opportunity to paint himself in the best light but if he tries rescuing you alone, then people are going to say that he's soft for you and he has his rep on the line

So, he and the Bakuaquad are gonna rescue you WITHOUT anyone's knowledge and he'll blow those damn villains up for daring to kidnap you. He'll hug you in private after he saves you, breaks some bones which btw, are going to be the villains' instead of his and gruffly say, "Glad you're all right, little nerd'' and pretend to see the view around you scanning to see if there are any more villains while checking to see if you have any injuries. If you do, his heart and stomach will clench tightly with a feeling of uneasiness and he feels like he's dying inside. He'll carry you bridal style back even if you don't have any injuries and once you're taken care of by the Recovery girl, he'll be sticking closer to you from now on and keep an eye on you to make sure you stay under the radar and stay out of trouble. He might even pull you aside and tell you every now and then to make sure you don't become a hero and if you're so adamant on it, he'll 'bring you under his care' within a month or so since he just wants you to be safe. He'll be damned if anything happens to his little teddy bear 

Todoroki: He'll be feeling a wave and storm of emotions and they won't be happy ones either, oh dear me no. He feels like he's dying inside slowly and after that feeling passes, his heart feels like it's forging itself into some more.... stronger and sharper. A desire to take revenge and KILL the filthy scumbags and the pieces of trash who put their filthy hands on HIS snowflake and his little baby. He feels like crying just thinking how miserable and lonely you might be, desperately waiting for someone to come along and rescue you, but don't worry. Shoto will come and save you no matter what and he'll try saving you alone. He'll sneak off from the UA dorms at night and do whatever the HELL he can even it means getting help from his daddy Endeavor and using some of his resources to get you back. He will unleash all hell on the villains and is on the verge of murdering one of them but when he sees your unconscious pale figure lying there on the floor, he'll just pick you up and get the heck away from there back to the UA, where he'll do everything he can to heal you. He will gently kiss your forehead and stroke your hair softly and say how you put yourself in danger today and he was about to lose you and he won't let it happen again

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