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This is requested by @_IzuChan_ and @SadMistake_ and I hope you'll like it but I'm but I actually don't know anything about the character lol, but I'll try my best :)

So, this guy is a FREAKING SADIST!!! And that's not a shocker considering the fact that he used to work with Overhaul

He never really had time for such a useless thing like love in his life. He always thought love was stupid and pointless and having someone else in his life would just distract him from his goals but... after he saw YOU, a pro hero, fighting against them along with the other pro heroes, for the VERY FIRST time EVER in his life, he started viewing love in a different way. He felt his heart beat go out of the roof as he saw you but he couldn't help but feel sad that you were fighting against them 

Pretty soon after the fight was over, Kurono made sure not to hurt you or even lay a finger on you since he was now OBSESSED with you. Who were you? 

He tried doing some research about you like what sort of a pro hero you were and wanted to find out more about your quirk and what all you did as a part of your daily routine 

You can BET he sent some men of his and installed cameras in YOUR OWN house to see what you were always up to. He fell in love with you even more quickly and whenever he'd see someone else step foot into your house, he'd just be raging with jealousy and anger. How DARE you do something like that? Inviting other people to your home while you have someone who's watching over you? True, you might still not know that yet so he started making his presence around you more.... conspicious aka. send you some anonymous gifts 

After a few days, you'd always get something like your favorite box of chocolates in the mail, or some sappy love letter or love poem for you and a bunch of flower bouquets and all that. For a while you thought it was cute but then it started getting out of hand when he wrote 'I love you my darling' on your bathroom mirror. And then he started doing even MORE creepy things like sending you pictures of where you're going and saying how beautiful and cute you looked and saying how he should kill those pathetic friends of yours since they're 'stealing' you away from him 

You went to the other pro heroes and told them about that person, however, those who tried helping you ended up in hospitals for many weeks after long and continuous villain attacks at 'random places' 

He decided to kidnap you as soon as possible, like maybe in a week or so since he just couldn't STAND you being around other people

When it comes to the kidnapping, I think he's just gonna ask some of his goons to drag you and drug you in a an alleyway before you have the chance of using your quirk. When they bring you back to his place and when he watches you sleep, he can't help but think how innocent and cute and adorable you were for this world. You were an angel, who didn't care about things like money and fame like the other corrupt heroes. You wanted to save people and you were different from the rest.....

If he has to deal wit rivals, he won't have time for that since he's gonna be too busy trying to discipline you, but however, if he needs to take out his anger, he'll take it out on you and the person who's gonna get tortured and finally killed by him. Bonus, you're gonna have to watch the horror show since he's gonna force you saying how he's going to die and it's your fault for not loving him and all that 

You'll be forced to love this sadistic person eventually. Don't EVER try getting on his bad side like trying to drive him over the edge and trying to escape. He's gonna leave you in isolation and behave in a REALLY sadistic manner with you till you're practically BEGGING him to make you feel loved by him and he'll certainly have a cocky evil smile on his lips 

He might spoil you a little bit, buying you whatever you want if you're good and he'll let you roam ONLY in the house. He can't risk you going out and no doubt he'll ask some people to always keep a close eye on you. I don't know if this guy is good at being romantic and all but let's just say that he likes holding on to your small figure and hugging you 

Overhaul will be DAMN PISSED when he sees you on his lap for meetings but eventually he'll just get used to your presence and might even offer Kurono to give you regular checkups once in a while (Oh wow, since WHEN did OVERHAUL get so NICE!!?) 

Kurono might be good to you. Just don't piss him TF off else he's gonna introduce you to his favorite knife TvT

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