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So, this kinda has some triggering content, read it if you wish and if any of you feel like this PLEASE talk to someone. Just know that however hard things might be for you all right now, they WILL be better soon and I'm always here for you little munchkins :)

Poor poor bby boi Deku literally cried his heart out when he found you with a razor blade and some blood trickling down your forearms 

He pulled out a medical kit for you and bandaged your arms and asked you why the HELL you did something like that 

He will listen to you patiently and very carefully while placing his hand on your thigh as a sign of reassurance and when you tell him the reason why you're cutting, he feels like killing himself and his heart is shattering into a million pieces when he sees you in a state of having a meltdown 

He will kiss your arms over and over again and wrap them around his chest and say that he'll make sure everything is going to be all right 

He will hug you and cuddle you and smother you with love and affection and not to mention, pepper your cute little face with butterfly kisses that trails down your neck as well 

If you've been neglecting your health by not eating food regularly or staying hydrated, welp, say good bye to THAT bad behavior of yours since Deku will ALWAYS ALWAYS make sure you're healthy and boi had prepared a chart and schedule of your meal times and this dude has the memory of an elephant so don't expect him to forget feeding you 

He will instantly baby proof the entire house and yes, even the corners of the bookshelf. What? many people have gotten hurt at that point before. Better safe than sorry

If you're feeling insecure about yourself, he will literally NOT tolerate it. You're his darling puppy. his sweet kind caring gentle loving angel, and he was going to make sure you see yourself the same way he sees you. How? By dragging you in front of a mirror, and whispering compliments in your ear and hugs you and gently kisses you on your lips and then you'll go cuddle to watch some movie and his arm will be around you, really protectively and all that

Boi really loves you, and he knows that it might take a while to make you feel all right again but he's willing to do it for you, even if its the LAST thing he ever does 

MY HERO ACADEMIA ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now