Yandere oneshot

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So, I recently got this idea of how yandere todoroki, bakugou and deku would react to the reader having a crush on a fictional character so.... imma start.... enjoy :)

BAKUGOU: He first didn't give a damn what you thought about things. He always used to think that you were just some sort of uninteresting nerd but, later on he started to catch the feels for ya ;) 

Soon, he started becoming obsessed with you and one day, he overheard you talking to one of your friends. And when he did, he got to know about your favorite show that you like to watch and when he heard that you had a crush on that character, he literally LOST his mind and almost BLEW the entire cafeteria up. He wanted to hunt that idiot down and MURDER him and when he found out that he was a fictional character, he went BATSHIT CRAZY ngl and the entire Bakusquad had to stop him from blowing the whole school up.... So, being the crazy and psychopathic hedgehog he is, he destroyed your merch of your fave character and wormed his way into your life and finally later on, he ended up kidnapping you 

DEKU: This boi takes stalking to a WHOLE nother level. So, when he first sees you, he INSTANTLY decides that you both were DESTINED to be together and so, he started taking notes on your everyday behavior and your daily habits and that sort of stuff. You know, your typical yandere behavior. 

When he found out that you liked some character from a show like ALOT, he first sees it as an innocent fan thing, I mean after all, he IS a HUGE fan of All Might. So, he started giving you small gifts like merchandise of your fave character. Then, one day, you invited him to your house to binge watch your favorite show and he was THRILLED! YOU invited HIM to your house! This HAS to mean something. You went to get some snacks and he went up to your room.

 He smiled, thinking that you had the BEST room ever but when he saw something on your bed, he quickly lost his smile and his eye started twitching with irritation. He saw you having a BODY PILLOW of your favorite character on your BED and he had a dark frown on his face. True, he liked All Might but what sort of ''like'' did you have for that silly character? He decided that you've crossed the lines and when you came back, he immediately asked you if you both could watch something else. After that day, he'll try ANYTHING he can to get you from seeing that show. Be it hanging out or be it training or some hero related work. With him around, say SAYONARA to your show watching marathons 

TODOROKI: You were a student in the General studies at the UA and you've heard of Todoroki many times, since WHO WOULDN'T? He's popular and famous and blah blah blah.... So, when he first saw you, he decided to ignore you like he does to everyone else. But, something about your aura seems to DRAW him to you. He saw the way you were kind and compassionate with people and he INSTANTLY fell HEAD over HEELS for ya pal ;) He wanted know more about you and when he heard that you had a liked a ''certain'' fictional character from a show or whatever, he IMMEDIATELY asks you out in front of EVERYONE. 

You were kind of in a fix since you didn't want to reject him in front of like, oh you know, the WHOLE FREAKING SCHOOL, so you accepted. Soon, he started taking you out on really fancy dates and everything and he made his mission and his goal to make you smile. Whenever you DO smile, he gets the smug satisfaction that HE was the one who made you smile, not some non-existent pixelated moron

Heyo guys, I'm STILL open for requests and lemme know what you guys have in mind and OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE that this book has 815 READS!!!! 

SKSKKSKSKSKKSSS.......... Lol, I died XD

But thanks y'all :) and peace out 

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